The Sandusky Register from Sandusky, Ohio (2024)

SAJmtJSftY REOISTEf. FIB. to. Suspect Confesses Register's Tip Solves Holdup In Monroeville tip from a Register eor- ffespondent has led to the solution of an armed tobbery that occurred here early Wednesday Horning, Police Chief Jerrold Henery announced today. Chief Henery said Donald L.

Zirger, 22, of Fostoria, now being held in Morrow County Jail, has confessed to the $106 holdup of O'Leary'a Restaurant at 3:15 a.m. Wednesday. And the chief gave complete credit for the solution to the Register's Nonvalk correspondent. The break, according to the chief, developed follows: The newsman learned of a holdup south of Galion that also occurred early Wednesday morn- SANDUSKY REGISTER tea Huron Teacher Will Get Award HURON-TA Huron High School English teacher who left his tick bed to rescue two tots who fell through ice on Lake Erie last February will receive the first annual distinguished service award of the North Central Ohio Crime Clinic. I jj Church Group At Milan Maps Plans MILAN Woman 's Association of the Edison Memorial Methodist Church met for pot- fcick luncheon and program.

Plans were made for the Mary and Esther Circle to serve a dinner on March 2 for the Eastern Star; the Rebecca Circle will perve a luncheon to the members of the district children 's conference here on April 2. Devotions were led by Mr a Robert Strobel, and the program was directed by Mrs. Fred Williams assisted by Mrs. Thomas Lovitt. A vocal solo was presented by Mrs.

Raymond Schenk accompanied by Mrs. Jacques Boegli. Mrs. Lowell Beremand is a member. Vermilion Girl Scout Council Meets a six-c alliance, will present the award to Robert Adler, Chaska Beach, who saved the lives of four and six- year-old Lisa and Carol O'Conner.

Adler ran to their aid in pajamas after his wife saw them clinging to an ice shelf. The presentation will be made at a banquet in Bucyrus marking the opening of National Crime Prevention Week starting Feb. 19 The selection was based on "meritorious service to state, community, or fellow man" from candidates in Huron, Lorain, Erie Sandusky, Seneca, and Ottawa counties. ing, little more than an hour after the Monroeville incident. Zirger, he learned, had been arrested and charged with the Galion robbery.

The details of the Galion holdup were similar to those of the Monroeville robbery, the newsman noticed. He passed along the information to Chief Henery. Henery called the Morrow County sheriff and informed him of the situation. The sheriff questioned Zirger, who admitted the Monroeville robbery. Morrow County Deputy Bud Bratton, who arrested Zirger after the holdup there, the young man had about $160 in his possession when arrested.

Tne robbery near Galion netted about $60, the deputy reported. Zirger's confession came after two other suspects in the Monroeville case were released from jail. The two, Allen W. Magredy, 36. and Lawrence M.

Smith, 35, were picked "up in Cleveland within three and one-half hours of the holdup, but could not be positively identified as the bandits. They had been held on suspicion since their apprehension. Both, however, said they had merely been selling books in Monroeville. They denied any part in the holdup. Mrs.

Eleanor Pifer, the waitress at O'Leary's who was the bandit's victim Wednesday, told Chief Henery she could not identify either Magredy or Smith. Mrs. Pifer went to Mount Gilead with Henery today to attempt to identify Zirger. If she makes positive indentifi- cation, Chief Henery will present Morrow County authorities with a detainer to enable him to prosecute Zirger when they are through with him. WATCH OUT FOR HOUSES if you happen to be driving down Huron streets.

A of are in the path of a proposed new highway and are being relocated. This one, shown as it moves down a street atop a trailer, belonged to the Junior Women's League until it was sold to the Heartland Boat Club. (Register Phot Ruth Carina) CI Firemen, Wives Plan Dinner Party CATAWBA ISLAND Cataw ba Island firemen and Year's Budget Estimated Port Clinton's Schools To Cost More Than $1 Million To Operate PORT CLINTON Cost of operating the public schools of the Port Clinton school district during the 1961 calendar year was estimated at $1,143,486 in the annual appropriations resolution passed by the Port Clinton board of education last night. The largest item in the total, according to superintendent B. H.

Corthell and clerk-treasurer, C. L. Darr, is $797,725 for personal services of which $677,550 is alloted for instructional salaries. The expenditures will also include $117,300 for supplies, pated outcome of $125,000. 650 for operating expenses; $6,500, Receipts for the year are esti- for fixed charges, $52,200 for cap- mated as follows: local taxes, ital outlay and $95,101 for unan- state foundation pro- ticipated emergencies.

gram, federal assistance, Also to be expended but not in- 1 cafeteria, work- eluded in the total is S22.752 for books and miscellaneous, $19,000. bond retirement out of an antici- These receipts, plus the balance Brief Norwalk Items Nominating Petitions Available For County Community Offices Nominating petitions offices in the county's small com-) munities, townships, and boards of education are now available at the Huron County board of education. The deadline for filing is 4 p.m. Aug. 9.

FUND DANCE polio fund drive was (enriched by $219 from the pro- jceeds of a dance sponsored by wives will meet at the fire st a local American Legion post Saturday at p.m. andj an( jt auxiliary. for i destroyed 115 and had six on hand. CAR CLIPPED 23, of 4 Old State Road, reported to police that a hit-skip motorist put a dent in the door of the Northern Ohio Tele- tion Phone Booth Catastrophe: No Change! unidentified- woman was trapped in an outdoor telephone booth for 10 minutes in front of the Fremont station. She thought of dialing the operator to explain her plight, she said, but didn't have the VERMILION The Vermilion) ht change.

By rapping at the Neighborhood Association of 1 ass walls of the booth, sfie em Gate Girl Scout Council metj recently at the Erie County bank' building. Mrs. Paul Vesper, neighborhood chairman, announced the appointment of Mrs. Ralph Bard as chairman for the Brownie banquet next month. Mrs.

W. E. Fultz, cookie sale Chairman, reported that Girl Scouts would be ringing doorbells this week. Mrs. Ted Goudvis will serve es chairman for a father-daughter dance for intermediates.

The American Legion Auxiliary planning to provide all tropps with new flags. finally attracted the attention of the concessionaire in the comfort station. He in turn called a police officer who battered the door open. The Ohio Bell Telephone Co. blamed vandals for having kicked the door frame out of line.

gather for dinner at the Catawba Chapel at 6:30. Later the group will return to the station for a party. Fire chief and Mrs. Walter Miller, of the Port Clinton Department, will be guests. New prospective firemen from 50TH ANNIVERSARY Mr.

and Mrs. William M. Smith, West Hartiand, will mark their 50th wedding, anniversary witto open house from 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday. TAX CHECK A check for $73,569.11 was re- Port Clinton and Catawba Island ceived yesterday by County Trea are taking instruction at the local i surer Harold Collier in payment fire station each Monday at 7:30 of first half realty taxes by the Norwalk Seniors Merit Finalists NORWALK Three seniors at Norwalk High School have been named finalist in the 196061 national merit scholarship program competition and have been awarded certificates of merit.

phone truck which he had parked in the post office lot while making a service call. WINDOW SMASHED A beer bottle was hurled through the left window of a car owned by Robert A. Lippert, 27, of 13 Rule. The car was parked in front of 66 N. Prospect.

SCHOOL Some 35 pupils of Benedict School second grade accompanied by their teacher toured the Norwalk city fire and police department. ESCAPES INJURY Halice H. Scales, 66, of 81 on hand Dec. 31, 1960 of $124,486, make a total of estimated receipts of $1,143,486. In other action the board ap -J pointed William Keesor, probation officer on the staff of the Ottawa County probate court, as attendance officer for the Port Clinton city schools.

The board also voted to ask for bids for a new school bus to be put into service next fall and approved and ordered paid bills totaling $10,296.55 from the general fund: and $4,090.86 from the cafeteria fund. Will Be Rebuilt 8 Included In Project NORWALK Eight deficient bridges scattered across Huron County on State Rt. ire scheduled to be reconstructed under one project. Bids will be opened at 10 a.m. Wednesday by the Ohio Department of Highways in Columbus.

Four bridges-cross branches of Slate Run near the-Seneca County line. bridges cross over Mud Run and branches of the Huron River a quarter mile to the west and four miles to the east of North Fairfield. Two other offshoots flank Fitchville, near the eastern county line. All Arc Narrow All bridges are narrow and have been placed on the Emergency Bridge Program because of their hazardous traffic restrictions. Detours will carry traffic over State Rt.

4, U.S. -Rt. 224 and State Rt. 13. Estimated cost is $361,500 for reconstruction, right of way and engineering Next bid letting is scheduled for Feb.

28. Fisherman Is Injured In Tumble MARBLEHEAD John Mrze- na, 37, of Cleveland suffered contusions about the face and head when he slipped and fell on the ice yesterday afternoon about a mile off shore here. Mrzena was assisted to land by two companions with whom he had been ice fishing. Taken first to the office of i local physician, Mrzena was transferred later by ambulance to Memorial Hospital in Sandusky. His condition this morning was reported as satisfactory.

Wakeman Troop Plans Review WAKEMAN The Boy Scout committee of Troop 238 held a board of review Monday evening jat the Wakeman Grange Hall. On Feb. 13 a court of honor will be held, and a large class will receive merit badges and be raised in rank. The public is in- Third, New London, escaped un-jvited. This will also be held at They are Janet Freeman, Viv- harmed when he was brushed by the grange hall at 8 p.m.

ian Kenonen and Stuart P. Rubi- a car driven by now. 59, of 13 Olive. BEHRENS Shell Service SPECIALIZING IN Tunc Lubrications Service Complete line of DELCOIATTIRIES and GOODYEAR TIRES PHONE 433-7364 Carncr Rye leach aiieV Cleveland Roads, Hurra, O. with Jack Riddle, Port Clinton fire captain, as instructor.

Colonel Gets Post At EOD Baltimore Ohio Railroad. AWARD CONTRACT Contract for remodeling the former IGA light wines and beer store on Milan Avenue as a drive- in branch for the Citizens National Bank has been awarded to the Price Construction Co. of this city. PLANT REPORT Income from Norwalk's municipal power plant during 1960 to- leaving after op PORT CLINTON Lt. Col William M.

Smith, of Long Branch, N. has arrived at Erie Ordnance Depot and will be assigned as the Director of Sup- 1 tailed $734,480 ply Operations, in charge of the'erating expenses, $221,485 for debt Stock Control, Storage and Depot service, Auditor Helen Lippert Maintenance activities. reports. Colonel Smith, recently com- 1 PETITIONS VALID pleted the Armed Forces All declaration of candidacy College at Norfolk, Virginia, filed by candidates from Gov. DiSalle Names i Sandusky Co.

Judge FREMONT Gov. Michael Glen M. Haas. Endorsed DiSalle today appointed John'by the Sandusky County Demo- Chambers of Woodville, to thejeratic committee, he was one of Sandusky County common pleas three attorneys recommended for court for a term ending Dec. the post.

1962. 1 Chambers was admitted to the Chambers, a law graduate of bar in 1950 and started practice Ohio Northern University, Genoa. has over 15 years of active Army service. Two Cars Collide At Intersection Lakeside Commission Surveys Literature Lakeside Methodist Church commission has wrapped up a six-month survey on the sale of literature in this community. The commission on Christian Social Concerns has filed a re- Norwalk and Bellevue were found valid, the Huron County board' of elections reports.

I CLOSED MONDAY In observance of Lincoln's, birthday, the board of commis- sioners has announced that the! court house will be closed all day Monday. DOG REPORT I During January Dog Warden Clarence Rounds picked up 110 stray dogs, placed three in homes Traffic Suit Hears Minister PORT CLINTON-Cars driven by Troy Hall, 25, of Rt. and Mildred Staaf, 54, also of Rt. 1, collided this morning on East Catawba Road at the intersection BERUN HEIGHTS Rev. Wil- Chapel Road.

liam Voeckel, of the Cleveland In- Accordmg to the Ottawa Parish ex- ty shenffs the Staa church vehicle had pulled out of Wednesday at the Road and was getting into ruu tine of traffic when it was struck Congregational Church by the Hall vehicle, Both cars were extensively damaged, police said, but no one Was injured. CHURCH SPEAKER NEW LONDON Robert Ryerse, of Baptist Mid-Missions, Cleveland, will be guest speaker, ft both morning and evening serv- of the First Baptist Church! New London, Sunday. Mrs. I Ryerse, a public school teacher in Cleveland, will address the boys and girls of junior church, Friendly Town is one of the projects carried on, in which children from age six to eleven are placed in rural homes for a 10- day visit. port with recommendations following a study of types of literature available locally.

The report, also on literature sales in surrounding communities, indicates that certain business es- tt rtt I tablishments have become more: Sel 0rderinS maga2inCS i FREMONT A $100,000 traffic and books. (J i accident injury suit has been The comnusaion feels it should, for trial before a jury not be called upon to serve in a censorship capacity, it was pointed out. but it also feels that young people who come to Lake- in Sandusky County Common pleas court Monday. The suit was filed by Mrs. Amey Eusey, Mansfield, against side in the summer should not be Mrs.

Mildred E. Eberhard, rural 1 exposed to literature of the "ex- Bellevue. It involves an accident treme type upon which there is a Aug. 18, 1957, on Rt. 19 south of general disapproval." i Fremont.

Asia possesses less than one- 1 third of earth's arable land although itMts more than one -j of tiiJF population, For HEATING 1 PLUMBING Invest in the Best ADAMS' Plumbing of Huroa, Q. Dining a Pleasure at DAWN'S HOUSI 'The fttffeurwr of SERVING Unutuel and Doily OPEN ALL N1TE tind until 1 a.m. DAILY SUN. 1ft. of Huroa, O.

POOH 437-3111 CALL US FOR Cottages, Garages, Braazeways, Remodeling, Re-Roofing, General Carpentry BANK or C.I.T. FINANCING NOW AVAILABLE UIID A BUILDERS II LI li IN AND SUPPLY PtH WORK OPIN All PAY SATURDAY 3 ft 4 of 437-H35. Hurpn, O. 1 GUNZENHAUSER'S Jefouarif Special LADIES' GIRLS' -SWEATERS-, in various colors and made of Orion, Nylon and Fur Blends VALUES up to $8.98 NOW 3" Hurry, They Won't Last Long OPEN FRIDAYS until 9 P.M. We Give and Redeem Eagle Stamps Gunzenhauser's DEPARTMENT STORE "The Store That Quality Built" Main Street Huron, Ohio.

The Sandusky Register from Sandusky, Ohio (2024)


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