The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)

3B THE PIIILADELPJIIA INQUIRER. WEDNESDAY MORNING. 1VIAY 5. 104H New York Stocks Continued Produce Market Prices New York Bonds Continued 1943 TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1943 Last Net Bale chge. Last Net Low sale chge.

1943 UlRh Low Last Net sale chge. Low IyOW High Low Sales In Tilv. 100's Open PS Rubbr lib 71 40 PSRub 1nf 4b 6 121 84 41 25 40 12i 12" 8 9 12 60 125 Sales In Issue $1000 High T-ow Close Morris A Es 3' is 2000 16 50 49' a 50 9 13 127 6 61 2 70 95 4 119 4 26 PS Smlt 1b I'SSmlt pf35a PS Steel 2b. PS Steel pf 7 PS Tob High 41 121 614 70 57 119! 26 2 2' 18 68! a 160 4 120V'a 4 la 611-4 4 70 25 4 24.. 2' 18 6814 160 42 121 61 70 59 119 29 a 20' 69! 160 101 46 64 47 112 1s, 14 59 150 120' 61 70 56 119' 25 2 2' 18 68 160 I'ntStkYd 3 2 1Z 8 10' a 60 125 42 19 4- 78 2 3s.

30 la 10 la 24 4 35 27 7 4 la 45 2 4V4 54 5 48! i 122 3 125, 51 1' 14. 4 225 29 22 4 Pm Stores A. PnivCvStl lib 2 18 UnivLfT 4a 170 68 1943 Sales In High Low DIv. 10O's Open High 9 3' a Radio-K-Or .519 9 9 89 84 RadioKO 840 89 89 12 4 RySec in 650 11 12 29 21 Raybests 2 29 19 1J 11 Rayonier Jib. 1SH 13 30 28'- Rayonier pt 2 29' 22 14 Reading 1 21 21 22 5 3' Silk 2 5 5 154 12 Rem Rnd iib 40 15 15 57' i 42' i 8 40 56? 66 10'.

4' ReoM vtc 'id 2 10 10 19 14 Republics 82 18 18 100 95' RepubS 6 100 100 100 86 72xx RepubS A 6 1 83'i S3' 'a 9' i 5 Revere Cop .41 9 1 a 9 11! 7 Revn Met Vad 29 11 11' 10' a 51 ReynSprg 4 10 10 28 25 RevnT 1 40 22 27 28 10 7', RuhfldOil 15 10 10 17 9 Ritter Co 1a. 3 17! 17' 25 201-' Kuberold 2 23 23' a 16? 11 EusUsslSt .60 10 16 16 88 1V 11 5 28 13'- 5' 29' 21s. 53 15 5 a 56 17. 100 83' 9 111 10. 3.

9'. I 17' 23' 16. 88 11 28' -a 13' 29' a 21' a 5 15 56 10' 17 100 83! 9 11 10 27s. 9'. 17 23 16 UnivLfT pX8 50 160 V-W Nash Ch A StL 4s '78 23 80' 80 8054 Nat Steel 3s '65 3 104 104 104 New Eng 5s 45 6 81! 2 81 81! New Eng RR 4s 10 80 801 80! 2 Eng TT 41 as '61.

6 1241 124 124 New Orl Term 4s '53 89 90 89 90 NewOrl TM 5s '54 33 66 66 66 NewOrl TM 5s '58 1 665, 66 NewOrl TM 4' 2s '56 9 66 65 66 Cent ret 5s 2013 51 66 655i 65'-2 Cent 4' as 2013 .149 60 60 60 Cent con 4s '93 101 66'. 65' a 65 Cent col 3' '97 34 87 861. 86 Cent 3's '52 96 811. 81 81 Cen US 3LJ '98 3 70' a 70 a 70 a Chi StL 5 50 9 100 100 100 ChiStL as A '74 9 89 89' 2 89 Y' Ch StL 4is C. '78 60 77! 76 77 City 3s 1980...

3 105 104 104 Con Ry 3V js '65 15 1021, 102 102 IPe etc siid offer subject to frior salt $100,000 Central Maine Power Co. 1st and General Mortgage SH Bonds Due Oct. 1 1970 Price 109 to yield about 3.01 Kidder, Peabody Co rovxDio 1165 Mimkn New Yerlt and fioscon Stock Exehmta Ncu York Cuf6 ExcKang Fidelity-Philadelphia Trust Bldg. Vadsco Sales 2 Vanadium ib 15 VanNrm 1.30d 19 Victor Ch 5b 7 Vlcks SPac 6 410 Vu-Caro Ch 10 Va-Caro pf 5d 3 Va I CO pf 10 'ira Rv 25a. 1 Sales In Dlv.

100's Open Illch StewWar 'ab 35 12'4 12 Stokely Br 27 9 9 202 10 10'. Studebakr 5b 81 13 13 Sun Oil 1ae. 3 60 60 Sun pfA 4' a 10 125 125 Suruihtne 19 6s, 6 Superhtr 1 5 19 19 SuprOCal lib 5 77 78 Super Oil 27 3 3 Super Stl 11 30 30 Sweets Co 1 10 10 Swift Co 1.20a 3 245 24 Swift Intl 2. 3 35 35 Sylv Kim 99 281 28'- Sym-Gld 4b 125 75 7 T-T Talcott 2 7'i Tetautiwph .2 4 4 Tenn Corp 15 11 11. Texas Co 2 18 49 49 Tex Pr 36 5 Tex Git Sul 2a 12 40 405, TexH (X) 34 12 12' a TexP LT 11 10 10 Texas Pac 1d 13 27' 27 Thatcher 11 11s, 11.

Thteh pf 3 60 20 44 44 Thermoid 29 754 7' a Third Av l'r 21 4 4 Thomp Pr 6 30 30', Thomp Star. 3 2 2 Thomp Sir pf 1 24 24 Title Oil 29 145 14' TideW pJ4' a 89 98 99 TimkD Ax 15 33 Timk RB lib 2 475 475 Transamerli 70 9 10 75; 11' 49 4 225'a 12 24 62 4 56 38 32 9 27 18' a 8 115a 2 46' i S- Wabsh pf 41, 20 Waldorf Sys 1 5 40'i 41 Wulgreen 160 Wlkr H-GW 4 73V. 4 23 12 24 62 4 56 33'i 38 33 9 27 18 8 125 a 2 47 80 28 15 23' 6 22 15 87 Wlk HGW P'l 73 94 73' 94 Dock 1st 4s '51. 2 Dock 5s '47 cv. 2 23 12 245, 62 4 56' 33 38 33' 9 27 50'.

18V, 8 12', 2'. 47 1454 80 28 18 23 6' a 23 15 87 1C 111 111 35 355. 11-18 11-16 11. 1'. 3 1 3 46 8 6 94 V'alwor lb lal 4 4 4 19 77 3 30' a 10 241 33 27 7 4 11' 48 4 5 40 11 10 26' 11' 44 7 4 30 2 24 14' 98 33 47! 9 20' 3 83' 9 2V.

31 72 48 10' 108 108 108 Edison 3. 65. 1 7U 191, 78 37. 31 104 25. 355, 28a 8 8 5'i 12', 50 5'i 40' a 121 104 28' 1lr' 46 7 4.

32! a 3 25'. 14', 100 34 48 10 20'. 4 9 21 31'. 8' a 74'. 61 11 KV Want Hak A 40V 5' 111 35H 1.

A 10 111 35 5 42 116 Gas El 5s '48 10 116 116 5'. 405 12 10-26 11 44 7 4 30 2 24 145 99 33 475 10 111 35 11-16 1 6H 10 11' 355, 42 111 11-16 Warxl Bak Wrdtik 6 Rafewav 3 9 Safew 5pf 5 90 Stjos It 'ab 10 StL-S 1 StL-SFran pf 9 StL So .20 St I. So pf 20 SavageAr Vib 47 Schenlv ib 5 Scott 1.80a 3 Scott 4''2P4! 2 20 Seabd Air L. 41 Seab Air L. pr 24 PROVISIONS Firm, with a moderate Jobbing trade.

Hams, cured. skinned, loose, 8 to 30 lbs, "JS'iic; smoked, ready-to-eat. boiled, boneless ami skinless, fxia5lc: picnic shoulders, loose. 4 to 6 lbs. 2 la'J3c: smoked.

2Hc; bellies in pickle, loose. 21c; breakfast bacon. 2714c; lard, in tubs, 515.95. BUTTER Receipts, 208,483 lbs. Firm with a fair demand.

AA or 93, boxes, 4Sc: A or 92, boxes. CHEESE Steady. Demand only moderate. Longhoms and single daisies, 26.70c: midgets, 27c. EGGS Receipts, 1778 cases.

Demand falrlv active. Prices tending upward. Quotations: MIXED COLORS: Extra lancv. extras. a-kc: flrsts.

storage-packed. firsts. current receipts, 3 mediums. du ties, StHic: checks. 3Uc.

WHITES: Special. 40'2c; fancy to extra fancy, 41allc; standards. 3l'ic; firsts. mediums, MSljc: fancy heavy, BROWNS: Nearby fancy. specials.

3yixc: standards. :t.Sic; mediums. Dept of Agr, fancy, large white. 40V.i42c: browns, 3vv 40lsc; mediums. oSSaWc; mixed colors, extra large.

40Vin-llc; mediums, standards, under grades, 'LIVE POULTRY Market very firm with demand readily absorbing the limited offerings of grade A poultry. Supplies short for requirements. Sme No 'J fryers and broilers at 2Sa2flc and some poor at 22a2-lc. Wholesale selling prices, including dealer markup allowance of live ler pound and transixn tation charge of to 2c ier pound, depending on distance from Philadelphia, fullow: Grade A poultry: Fowls Stew -iitjf. 'ia'JH'aO.

Old Roosters Stags 2M '4 u2 I've Roasting Chickens Light and heavy, all weights, Fryer and Broilers All weights up to 4 lbs. a0- a'Cc; Mme No. 2, 2Sa2vlc; lir. 2f24c Ducks 274 a'JSVr. '-'S'in'-'Hc.

Capon -Heavy. lbs and over. 31 under S. ialO'. Glade jMHillry 2c under prices listed above.

Transportation chnrgs Included In above fungi i for to fi miles: 1c for Tt to miles: Pic for J(io to miles: me for ISO to 2 mllrs; Ar for 2M to miles and 2c for 2.0 to HI miles or over and If hhlpinent originates less than miles from Philadelphia a deduction of "ic must be made on the above inside range of wholesale selling prices as they cover from 10 11H 35. Warner Bria 179 10 115i 354 1 23 12 26 62 58 345, 38 9 28 18'. 8' a 12' 2 47 145 84 32 16 24. 6 25' 15 91 16 1C8 25 11 36 22 95 34 109'. in 5 3 8 41 3'.

36' 8 71 17', 35 4 2b' 15, 16 9 94 V-, 28'. 40 6 155. 1 69 12 25 4 67 6' Warnr pf. 96c. 100 Warren 42 2 42 111 11H 111" Waukesha 1 Wayne 2.

Web Kisen Wes Oi-S lib 2 3 15 6 2. 24 4 4 Seabd Oil Trans Wat A 12 Ind Sg lad 16 20? 20 20' WPaFJ 7pf7 160 4 1. 12 4 Sa 27 1. 13 1d 18 3' 83 16 Seaerave SearsRoeb Servel Inc Sharon St I Sharon pi 10 107 15, 8 24 51 2 39 201 27 7' 20 38'. 15 4 4'-.

26 7 79 2754 12'-a 17 2' a 17 8 67' a 11 103 19 2 5 26 1, 15' 81 31 106' a 85 18 58 13 3' 2, 40 2 2', 8 4" 9 17 'a 30! a 16' 2 44 83 22 125, 4 i 24 62 -12 4.. 56' 4 33 38 324 9.. 27 8 4 P. 11 2V, 4 46'i 80 4 28' 16 4 23 4 6 4- 1. 23 14', 87 15..

107 24- 10V- 34V, 4 221- 94 33V, 4 108 SO 1 65.. 20-. 7 4'- 77 25 8 13 4 '4 7 76 1154 21 36' a 23- 1, 53.. 5 W'AutoSup 5 5 60 Trl-Cont 121 Trt-cont pre so Truax 'l'r 34 1.231 20t hCK pfl'a 4 'lvin Cy RT 4 Twnt'RT pf7d 60 Twin Cell ld 14 4 83' 9 21 31 8 72' a 9 4 83 21 3V. 8 Lack A 4s '73 2 NY NHAH col 6s '40.

84 NY NHAH cv 6s '48 143 NY NHAH 4'aS '67 155 NY NHAH 4s '47. 25 NY NHAH 4s '55 97 NY NHAH 4s '56. 68 NY NHAH 4s '57 132 NY NHAH S'-is 5 NY NHAH 3' as "54. 10 NY NHAH cv 3V is' 56 27 NY NHH Conlt 4s '54 24 NY Mill CR 4s'55 Jan 9 NY Ml Hail ll 4 54 7 NY tint gen 4s '55 2 NY ont 1t 4 '92 22 NY A Putnam 4s '9i 2 NY Susq ret 5s '37 26 Tel 3s 67.. 2 NY WABoat 4' is 46 No Sou cv Gs 2014.

.10 No Puclftr 2047 ..18 No Pacific 8s 2047. No Pacirio 3s 2047 9 No Pacific 4' js 2047. 34 No Pncirie 4s '97. .10.1 No Pacific Ss 2047. 44 4 4 5a 4 70 70 70 77 76 77 61 61 64! 53V 641 51 495 51 51 50 51 51 b0 51 18'.

17'. 18 47. 47 47 48 43 48 48 43 43 50 50 50 50 4S 50 1)5 95 954 4' a 4' a 4Va 10 10 10 t6 ttt 56 45 45 45 109' a 10'a 109' a 20' a 19 20 47' a 47 4f5 77' 77 63 63 65 65' bS 65 60 60 60 8H Hf 88 64' a 61 63 14 14' a 14' a 'b 90 9' a 21! 31 7 72' 9 Biddle, Whelen Co. Mmmbrm A'r York ind PhlUmtphJa Stock icnt 'ew Yotk Curb xckn9 (A.eoe.) tr PndKVah lib a I I 'aii 34 43 10 44' 10 35 105 '-i 28' 5-32 4 7', 10 19H 38 111 5-32 16 2 69. 10 9 54 8 54 31 17.

2. 16' 28 77 19 18' 10' 2 20V, 16s. 2V 10 154 154 35' 42'. 2. 2.

21 32 3 3554 33 109 100'. 6 16 15a 9 42 79 10'j 28 15 23 6 22 145, 87 154 107 24 5' 10 34' 22' 94 107'. 90 65 20 7 44 77 23 4'i 7 12 7 76 11 21 36 23 53 104! 81' to 300 mile- or over. Base Country Celling Prices lowls. slewing.

25c. Old roos-teis and stags, 21c; roasting chickens, fryers and broilers and light capons. 28Hc; calKins. heavy. 3Jr; ducks.

25c; geese, 26c. DRESSED POULTRY Supplies small. Market firm with a good demand. Quotation: Fowls, fresh-killed. 32c; chickens.

36; old roosters, 28c; ducks. I. squabs, white, 6Sc; dark and poor, Magic, FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Reported bv Federal-State Market New Service. APPLES Bu bskts and Eastern boxes, No 1 unless otnerwise specified. Pa Stavmans 21" mm wrapped S4.2.V.

Delicious 2 and 3" $3.75. 2" mm s.2.7fa.i.23. mostly S3a3.23, 2 min 32. SO. S2JM.

Golden Delicious 2 mm $.1 Stavmans 3" min 5-4. OO, walded O02 min lair 2V fair UiVk Twigs 2 min fair 73. 2i" min $2.25: Homes 3" $3,110. 2" mi fair $2 50. 2" min SJ.73a3.CV.

mm $2.25. Boxes wrapped: Vanoua siws I'a Delicious (X). few Utility low as 5.1.0O. Stavmans best OA. poor, or few low as R'imes, S2.7.a:i.x'.

few small stw low as 3 Homes various sizes Pa various varieties and sues, bushel baskets, poor to nualit and condition 2 V. ASPARAGUS: large $4 5ua.0O, sume extra large S3.25aH.(X), mostly S5.Ni, metlium to large mostly S4.0O, mediums small S2.50a3.00. very small and Crooks low as SC.OO. few very Ise white S4.IV. medium to large $3.

00a, .1.51, small to medium S2.OOa2.5ii. SIM. poorer OOaT.V. I HI large SS.tsV whi'e mcHiium to large S.V75a4.0O. whilo S.I iaa.riO, BROCCOLI KABE: h'4 Sl.7riu2.23.

ordinary to fair f'A ROTS: Pa hu bskts topped and washes! SI 7 fair SI ClttCOHlA: bus f-w DANDELION: bu fair St. M. IIAMlVKII SALAD RAPE: bd bk Kiier st.w1.23. Va bu 51.75, poor-cr low as $100. KAI.K: -f bu best $1 pcuxrmr SI 10.

MUSllRoo.M-S: Pa lew a-lb bke iKial IX few Iwnt and special huh mm St 2 fair nnd button. ptrr kv us 4Kc, PUT HERBS: 1 bunch. fW.V. KlllillAKU: Pa mid bens few hlKh as SCALMONSr b-h 9aV, lew tieiit JV4a-tc, poorer low as te. SPIN.

ACtl liu baskets Savoy type. Pa mostly fair ituahtv 73caSI.0l, few SI 1f. very hiKh as $1.25. poorer low as 50C. f-ir verv few hifh as SI.

25a poorer low SORREL: Pa bunche 3a4c. SWEET POTATOES: bu hamper Jersev tvpe eeneraliv good J5 00. mediuuss fair S4.W, poorer Sl.50a3.O0. Reds No few baskets Jersey type some fair mediums poorer $2 5 2.75. Reds few SI.

(XX White Yams. Del bu hskts Jersev type fair $5.25. Nancy Halls fair S5.00. Porto Ricans. SS.50a5 TS.

White Yams fair poorer $3.00 BALED HAY AND STRAW Steadily- held. Hay. 521a23; straight rj- straw. MILLFEED Firm. Pure bran.

Sin us bid. FLOUR Receipts, 935,221 lbs. la sacks. Market quiet: firm. Quotations Car-lot basis, per 1J lbs.

hard winter. tW percent. hard short patent. S.1Aa spring first clear. 51; prte patent.

S3.5fia-3.tjo: sprirj short patent, $3 rye flour, white, 2.703.S0. WHEAT Receipts, 75,173 shipments. .161,091: stock, 2.419. 8r2. Firm and Vc bieher.

No 2 red winter, garlicky, domestic, March CORN Receipts, none; shipments, 5iV0 bu: stock, held. No 2 vellow. SI. 16. OATS Receipts, none: shipments, 2S07 bu: stock.

31.34S. Slow ar.d 1c lower. Quotations: No 2 white, as to weisht, 77aSl2c. WHOLESALE PRICES CHICAGO, May 4 A. P-.

Closed firm, near the day's highest levels, ami unchanscd to higher than yesterday I'll Cm 3. 16 I nKIAt pt4', 20 24' 2 5 35... 71 15.. 16 ''a 9'i 34 24 4.. 4'.

25' a 41 43 110 -1H 27. 131- 4 26 4 14'. 23 13.. 28'. 4 48 61' a la 4' 33' a 52 36' a 5 a 6 113 113 19 In oil Cul 11-16 2.

24' 31. 70 v. 14r. 15'. 66' a 15.

9' 39 24'. 24 l. 43 110 29' a 27V. 13. 4 'i 19'.

23' 13l 29' a 291. 48-' 612 57. 43. 33 36 6' 50' a 36. 114 83 1 13 19', 91 89 a Stocks and Bonds, Bought Sold Investment inquiries solicited 1606 Walnut Philadelphia Pennyp.cker 920O 80' I'n Pacific 6 19'.

91 88 41 1114 367. 14 31. 9 13 12'. 37 43 115 2 4' 24 3 711 15 16'. 67 16'.

42 25 5 25 43 126 30' 28' 4 13 9 20'. 20 25 13 2 30 V. 49 66 6 4'. 35' 39' 4 51' i 37 1144 7 111 2 6 26 32' 38 33 55 447. 3 Hi 66 107 25 5 10 35 22'.

94 33'. 108 90 21'. 7 4 77 25 4 8 13'. 7'. 76 11 '4 21 365 24 53 1041-2 3'.

71 15 16'i 67 16'. 9'. 39 24 4 a 25 43'. 110 29 "a 27' a 13' a 4'. 26 19'i 23' 13' 29 29' 48'.

615 6 4. 33' a 36V 6' 51' 2 36. 114 7 6 14 7 78 1 1 Shatiurk 10 Khi-uf JVn 2 i 0 Sli. -II Un VI 44 Silver Kg 8 Simmon l5it 43 Skclly Hd 2 SliwsSh 11 20 Smith A 11 3 Snider I 4 Stu-onvV'HC 5 a 142 SoAmCId 47 SiilNirKStf 1U 16 11 2 8 SuNnlUas 6 So 1'ar 1d .213 South Ry 2h. 56 So Rv pf 334b 13 SnRMOS.18d 40 Sparks VV 70 Spear Co.

2 Sperry 1'2d. 23 Spicer llab 2 10 34 22 94 33' 107', 90 fcS 21 7 4 77 25 4'i 8 13 76 11 21 36 53 104' Maryland. 18 Mil 2 pf 6 Union lib 46 WghsAul! Vib 30 Wghs t. 2b. 22 Weston Kl ah 1 Wemvr pf4' a 80 I5 O10 Stl 10 WhlK ppf5 230 UllttcMnt fb 24 Whltelik .101 4 White- Sew Whltv.S pf 1c 20 Whites ppf 2 1 WlU-ox OilAG 10 Wtllva Overt 208 WillysOver pt 14 Wilson Co.

48 Wilson pf Sc. 4 Wilsonjns 1 Woodwrdl lb 1 Woolwrth 1.60 22 Worthinstn 29 Worth ppf 4' i 1 Wright A 8d 20 H9' a 39 110 79. I'll Pac it 4. 25 I'nt Aiic 3d. 93', l'nl Aire pf 5 Ogden 1.

Chain 4s '48 33 10H 21' 19 109V 1095o 10'1' Ohio Kdlson 34S '72 Ohio Edison 4s '65 49 41 10' 84 41 1 13 19' i 4 4 39 4 110' 11 25 4 19 1 63 22' a 1 4 1 23 1 12' a J' 50.. 63' a 41! 8.. 109 109 58 3 1 a 19' at -2 109' 109' 17 l'nl Air I. Vab 16 l'nl Biscuit 1 65' a l'nl Cui lxm 3 18 I'niCarr 1.20a 2 3' 70' a 14s 154 66' a 15' 9'. 39 24 4'4 24 43 110 27', 13' 3'.

25U 19 23 29 48s. 61'- 53 45 33 36 6 35? 114 6'. 111 13 16 3 244 31 38 33H 55'- a 42 85, 30 655 'a 1091 109' 108'a 108 108' 1 11-32 l'nl Corp .1769 63 22" 27'. 12' a 50' 2 63 8' 1 29 12 50 8' 63' a 23 67' a 214 7 5 86 25 4 8 13 8 76 11 23' 38 24''. 53 108 17 13 39! 4 90 14 30 4 Investment Trusts 111 111 111 109 109 -109 1095'a 1095 a 1095 104' 104 104' a 104 104 104 91 91 91 105' i 1C5' "a 105 105 105 Oi-eg Sh I.

gtd 5s '46 Oreg Wa RR 4s '61 Pac Gas A El 4s '64. Pac TAT 3s '66 B. Pac TAT 3s "66 C. Panhandle 3s '60. Para Pict 4s Parmelee Tr 6s '44.

Penn Co 4s '63. Penn Glass 3' is Penn PAL 3' as '69. Penn PAL 4' 2 '74. 111 19 94 89' a 39 1 10v 2b' a 19 65 23 1 29 12 53 a 69 8 110 26 5'. 13' 92' a 16'.

71' 4 9 39' a 7 19 110 36 38'. 40' 2' a 50 109! Investment Securities W. H. BELL CO. lacoaroa ti JiOO Walnut SU Philadelphia PENnrpack.l $321 Wa.hinijto.

Ea.toa AU.tos 109 26' 1C9V 26 4 i la 35 114 Y-Z 1 27' a 10H 2b' a 19' 63 1 27', 12 50'- 8', 63 109 26 5 12 92' 15 69' 8 38 754 18', 109' 35 33 39 25 Vale SI. Bid Asked InvstAm 22.37 24.31 Inv Fd 11.71 11.93 Knickbkr 6 30 6 96 Manh Bd 7-93 8-72 Md Fund 4.15 4.65 MassInT 20 25 21.77 do 2d 9.89 10-63 Mutl Inv 10 76 11 66 Nationwd 3.47 Yellow Tr 19 23 108'a 108 103 1 1045 104' 104! a 114 96 95V 96 1 112' 'a 112' a 112' 8 94 94V. 94 Penn RR 3s "70 7 111 17 l'nl Cp pflc 94 7 l'n rrus 27 38' l'nl Dew pf 20 5' Tni El Coal. 14 60' l'nl Fruit 1'4b 9 5 I'ni GIm 215 103 I'ni I pf5 2 16 l'nl 1a 26 3' I'niPapbd id 6 4 I Kor See 61 845, pf6 160 91. I Frght Jb 9 59 I'S Gvpsm 2a 3 5 I'S lloffm lad 6 30 ISImlAlio 1a 4 4 PS Leather.

1 13 PSI-alh A ib 1 108 ppf 7 200 29' 2a 2 29 I'SPIayCd 2a 1 32 PSPIywd 120 11 11-16 US Realty 17 111 1 3'. 26 12' 92' 15' 69' 2 8 38 7" 17'a 21' i 12 7 30 82 9'. 191, 2 i 27'-', i 16V, 13 37 89 14 304 41. 27! 16 12 89 13' 30 4 16.. 12..

36V-a i 89 4 13 4 30' i' 4 5J. 13' 92'-, 15 69' 2 8 38 71 4B1. 16 13 37 89 13 30V 4 Penn RR 5s '68 Penn RR 4' as '70. Penn RR con 4 Vis '60 Penn RR gen 45s '65 Penn RR 4Vs '81 Bid Asked Aero Sec 7.82 8 50 Affil End 3.14 3.43 Am Busin 3.19 3-50 AmFgln 13-40 14.54 AssoStdOil 6 6 Axellght 13 06 14 04 Boston 16.10 17.31 Broad St 25.74 27. 83 Bullock 1420 1566 Canadian 3 0O 3 60 Century 27.05 29 08 Chemical 9.71 10 51 Christ'na 2310 2410 do pf 140 145 Comwltln 4.47 4 88 Cumulat 19.17 20 72 Del End 19.17 2a 72 Young Stri-W 3 Yngstn Sh 1b 38 Yg.tS 5', 310 YgntnStin lib 55 ZentthKad 1b 12 Zonite 38 Spiegel Ine 35 Spieyl pf4'a 300 Square Vib 6 SquareD pf 5 10 Std Brus 77 Std Br pf 45 1 Std K.

95 Std CK 4 pf 37 Std 6 pf 9 Std GK 7 lt 27 StdO Cal 47 Std Ind la 40 Std Oil NJ 1a 8 Std Oh 1'aa 13 Std.StlSp Vb 173 Starrett b. 1 SterlDrug 4 122', 122', 1221, 7 107 106 107 7 103 103 103'i 10 102 102 102 1 38 7.02 do vtg 1.26 Natl Inv 6 49 111 41 15 163 16 3' 244-1! 31 1 38H 33. 55'. 42 4- s. 9 30 11.

65 la 12' 4 92' 15.. 69' 8 4 38 7 17 109 38 40" 254.. Penn Kit 4Vs '84 NKngFd 12-11 13. 05 Penn lilt 3's '52 26 97! a 97 97 3 25r. 32 38 33.

554 42 8. 30 655 25'. 32. 38. 33'.

53'. 43 9 30 65 28. 28'- 46' a 37V. 7 25 605. 109 35 3a 40" 2 109 38 39 Complete sales.

xEx-dlvldend. wwWithwarranta. xwWlthout warrants, arlus extra, bDecIared cr paid so far this year no regular rate. cPayment on accumulated dividends. tlPakl last year, eCash andor stock.

NAmltd 39' Ami" 53 2 02 do '53 2 60 do '58 2 54 do "58 2-17 Plvmth A .47 .52 BUY WAR SAYINGS BONDS RAMBO, KEEN, CLOSE KERNER INC. Imrmmtmmnt Smcaritiam 1SI LOCUST T. rHIUDCLPHIA rWtVTt TEt-EPMOMC TO NEW Y6K Penn RK 4'as '77 10 106' a 106' a 106' a Peoria A 1st 4s '60 2 56'. 56 56 Peoria A lnc 4s '90 66 13 12 13'. Pere Mqt 5s A '56 39 84 84 84 Pere Mqt 41-is "80 40 74 73' 74 Phelps Dodge 35is '52 4 1054 105 105 Phila Co 45is '61 clt 3 102 102 102 Phila Elec ref 3' is '67 2 1115 11154 1115 Phila Ei 2s '71 ref 10 102 102 102 Phila Rd Coal 6s '49 37 14 13' 13 Phila Rd Coal 5s '73 st 54 32 32' 32 Phillips IVt 1s '51.

39 109 109 109 PhillipsPt 1s '51 eld 201 108 1075, Diversir 3.55 do 5 25 Dividend 1.20 Equity pf .34 5 95 1.32 .35 Net Sales In Tssue 100's High Low Close chg. N. Y. Curb Transactions 17 38 18.71 Ptunam 13.05 14.03 Quarterly 6.00 6 75 Repub Inv 3.62 3 98 Sovercnln 6.14 6.80 SpnrTrk 14.14 15 03 TrAmBk .40 Tr Ind sh .72 .81 Pitts Met 4b 150 12! a 12'a 12'a 4 1- Kiel ll Fin Ind 1.77 1.94 6.12 1st Mutl 5.47 FoundTA 8 94 TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1943 Pitts Plate 1 Pis ValWine 3 Polaris Min 64 Potrero Sugar 2 PrattALmb 2 Un Bd A 22 97 25.11 94 94 94 3 3 3 1 1 8 8 8.. 24 24 24 13-16 11-16 7-32 61 61 61 Sales In Issue $1000 Hteh Low Intst Pw Del 5s '57 19 831 824 Intst Pw Del 6s '52 7 491 485, Jer Cen PAL 35-aS '65 7 108 108 MidlandVal RR 5s '43 18 605' 595k Milwaukee Gs 4'2s '67 1 108 108 Nev Calif El 5s "56 1 8 100 100! New Eng GAE 5s '47 9 60' 60 New Eng GAK 3s '50 3 59 58 New Eng Pwr 5s '48.

14 92 91'- New Eng Pwr 55 as '54 14 93 92 New Oris PS 6s A '49 1 105'. 105' do 13 43 20.15 Net Close chg. 20 5 Low Total Transactions 690,480 Shares Fundlnv 20 64 22.62 FumlTr A 4 52 5.41 do 4-16 Gen Cptt 31 10 33.44 GenlnvTr 4.93 5. 32 Huron Cp .15 .27 Premr GId .01 ad 7 Producers Corp 16 Pitts va 4' a as Pitts Va 45rs '60 1 PortlandGnE '60 1 Prov Sec Cr 4s '57. 33 Pub Serv EAG Ss '72 2 PubServNoIU as '68 1 do Uselps do Wellgtn 7.18 785 14 160 13.96 17 55 60 604 604 945 94' a 94' 17 16'a 17 106 106 106 111 111 111 PS Col 7 pf 7 30 1 10' a 110' i HO' iilS-ie Sales in Issue 100's High Ford Can A 1 9 20 Ford Ltd 6 4 Fklin Cty Dist 1d 20 4 Fro 1 13 Gen Alloys 22 1' a Gen Firep lib 3 14 6pf 60 105 FIRE INSURANCE ATLANT I Mufva INSURANCE Cbmpony MJget Mil 5PI5C 275 112' 112 112 Puget Sd 6 Pf.

23 685 67 6714 14 NEW YORK STOCKS A Sates in Net Issue 100 High Low Close eng. r-iHxnt i't sas A '48 4 82 811 -S-T Aero Sup 14 5' 5 5 4 60 Quaker Oats It Reading A '97. 8 Reading 45as '97. 4 Read Jer col 4s '31. 1 Republic Stl '54 2 Reuubhc Stl 4' as '61.

1 l-ienUUIUAU pi 6 2U uv 88" 151 1 Quaker pf 6 10 Ainsworth Vb Air Asso Air Invest linisn. ijeauing iuiuicb: 2 4 2 44 59 Agrieult 9 22 10.14 Ak-ohol 9 84 10.82 Automob 5 65 622 Aviation 11 74 12 90 Bank 8 58 9 44 Bidg Sup 6 31 7.17 Business 9 a 10.32 Chemical 8 58 9 44 Elec Sup 7.49 8 24 Footl 8 37 9 21 Insuranc 10.12 11.12 Machinrv 8 38 9 22 Meichdsg 7.35 8 09 Metal 7.02 7.73 Petrol'm 10 47 11 51 Pub Utils 5 06 3 58 Railroad 5.06 5 58 RR Eqpt 6 87 7 56 Steel 6.19 6 82 Tobacco 9.15 10-06 88 87 95 105 104 80 33! 13 Prev. Close 88 83 95 105 104 80 47 334 13 84 8' 2 3' a 2 99' 26 Air Acces 8 8s. 3 2 991 2 26 8.. 8'- 2s.

4 3 4 2.. 995, 4 26 Low Close Open High SPECIALIST Rio Gr West 4s "39. 29 Airway Klec 6 Ala Pwr 6 pf 6 10 Rio Gr col 4S '49 44 wheat Mav 1.45 t.4d julv 1.44 1.44 108'i 107 110' a 110' 107' 2 107' a 102 102 105 104 99 99 110 1104 108 108 1051a 1055 90 90 102 102 102 71'- 71 107 107 Allied Prod 2 1 1.45 1.45 145-t 1.44V. 1.44 1.44 1.45 1.45 1.44H Rk lsl A 4' is '34. 52 Rutland RR 4' '41.

10 Rutland Can 4s '49st 38 114 114 115 i Alum Ltl 8 3 Close 83 49 108 60 108 60' 59 91s. 92 1055 82 107 110 107' a 102 1045, 99 110 108 105' 90 102 102 71 107 103' 69 795 79 795. 78 78 30 86 108 100 99 19s. 89 89 Snt. 1.45 1.4:1' 12' 1214 Alum CoAm 1b 350 122 122'i 122 4 la KEYSTONE CUSTODIAN FI NOS In municipal bonds with much Mm; 4mH titmpt pe.i?tn-with kaali, trust company or intwanc compwy.

1-10 INOUICEI. 1.47 1.46 X.4 1.46 Dec. 1.46 Sagny Pwr 4Us 1 102 102 i Alum Co pf 6 .150 110 110 110 85 32 42 86' 29' Am Book lib ..11 32 No lnd PS 3iS A "69 4 Ohio IHib Serv 4s '62 6 Okla Gas 3s B'55 3 Pac Jwr A Lt 5s '55 1 1'a Cent Lt 45s '77 5 Portland GAC 6s 'SOst 2 IHitomac Edis 5n '56 1 IHibServ Colo '64 3 Pub Serv Colo 4s "49 6 Seullin Stl 3s '51 1 Shawgn 4' is A '67. 7 Shawgn 4Vs 2 Sou Ind Rvs 4s '51. 7 Sou GAE 35.

'70 1 Sw PAL 6s A '22. 2 Spalding AG 6s 89.. 5 Stand GAK 6-hA3 st. 7 Stand GAE 6s 8 cv st 15 Stand GAE 6s 28 Stand GAE 6s "57.... 31 Stand GAE 6s '66 1 Stand IVw A Lt 6 '57 21 Starrett Op 5a '50.

2 Twin Cy RT 5Vas A '52 1 1 Am Box BrU ld .3 7 K-2 17.48 19 28 B-1 3a 11 32 98 Conuimn Stock B-2 25.23 27.74 S-l 23 51 23 82 B-3 17 67 19 40 S-2 12.72 14 01 B-4 9 32 10 24 S-3 9 91 10 94 Preferred Stork. S-4 4.45 4. 94 K-1 15-34 16 82 6 1'a 71 2 103' 103'- 6 1s. 4 la 1-16 4 2 4 40 4 4 4 1. 4 4 13" 4 1 15 14 14 105 43 70' i 4 1 59 41 4 14 2 4 714 41 17 8' a- 1.

3 27.. 6 4 8 14 414. 46 20' a 4 4- 30 4 1. 75 11 41 22 4 14 20' a- la 9 4 5. 75' 4 4 4 4' a 1- 1.

20 la 5 4 1. 4 4 14 37" 4 8- 68' a Ua 151 41 1" 12 1 17' a 8 1 27 i-1-16 54.. 2'a -1-16 9 1. 4s. 18 61 44 4 1.

6.. 25 3 64- 1 1- I. 1... 36- 14 26 41 46' a 1' 11'-a 1-16 71... Am tap A 6 1 Am Cap 2 Am Central b.

11 71, Am Cit PL 54 3 Am Cyan 35 40 Am Kor l'r wts 20 11-16 Ar Pork II lib 4 16 Am 1.60a 39 27! 37-! 691 95 39 38 39 355 35 5054 66 81 16! StL Irn Mtn 4s '33. 39 StL A 5s '48 20 SUjou Pub Serv 5s '59 1 StL SF 5-s '50 ...153 StU SF 5s '50 t. 5 StL SF 4' 3 A '78- 346 StL SF '78 ct st 8 StL SF 4s A '50 271 StL SF 4s A '50ct 5 StL South 5s StL So 5s "52 63 Stl. SW 2nd 4s '89. 1 StP EOT 4' is '47.

10 SIP KC SL 4' as '41. 36 11-16 1-16 69! a 95 37' 33 37 33' a 34 34 485 65 81 16 2'i "a CORN May July Sept. Dec. OATS Mav Julv Sept. Dec.

RYE Mav Julv Sept. Dee NEW 69 79 791 80 79'i 78 78' a 30 1.05B 1 053 XMhH l.llfiH 1.U5H i.oib i.oi a .63 .63 .61 .61 .61 .61 .60 .60 .62 .62 .62 .62 .87 .7 xi'i 0 .90 .2 .12 .52 i.V- YORK. May 4 A. 16.. 16' Radio Kth wts.

421 Rail Sec 250 Railway A A 2 Raymd Cone 1.t O150 Raytheon Mf. 7 Red Brink Oil. 13 ReHl Roller 1 Re iter Foster. 3 Repub Avn lib 93 Richm Itad 11 RioGr C.s vte 10 Rome Cable .60 2 Rim.I Petro 11 R'Ht IVt pf 1e 2 RoyalType 15ih 550 Ryan Aero 4 Ryan Consol 2 Kyerson Haynes 24 St Regis Paper. 151 Salt Dome Oil.

6 Samson 7 Savoy Oil 2 Seluitte DA 12 Sehulte 1A pf 30 Scrantn Lace lb 10 Scrantn SliW pr 20 Seullin Sleel 2d 6 Segal Lcx-k 21 Seiberlg Rub lib 5 SelecUil lnd 247 Selected IikI cv. 8 Shattueklv-n 13 Shawnig WP .90 1 SherwinW'ms 3a 2 79! 79 79', 78 78 78 30 tien 6 pt 20 Gen Ray Ltd A. 1 Gvn Sliarehlod 29 Gen Shr pf 10 Glen Alden 25 Godc-hau-x 1 Gorham Inc 1 Goihain Mfg 1b 50 Gray fg Co 29 Gt A 1lib 1 GiTfield 1il 7 Groe Str Prd 1 Gulf Oil 1 5 llammei-ml 250 Harthl Rayon vtc 54 Hat Cp Am lb 1 Hael tine 4 Hearn Dep Strs. 3 Hecla Mm 6 Helena Rub 1 Heyden Ch 4 Hoe A Co 1 1 loilinirer 2 Horn Hard! 1 60 50 Humble Oil -1l 1 lluml Fib 75 ab 3 Huylers 30 Huylr's 1st pf 1c 50 Hytrrado 9 111 Iowa lwr 19 111 l(wa pf Hie 7 III Iowa div ct 22 III Zinc .250 Imp Can lia. 4 Ind Serv 6 pf .220 lnd Ser 7 pf .20 Intl pf 5 40 26 106 5 26 Am pf 4 75 107 Am General 8 6 Am Lnd lib 350 27 NATIONAL SECURITIES SERIES Bond Ser 6 69 7.37 NatLwPr 5-88 6.48 Natl Inc 4 26 4.72 PId Stk 6.

52 7 21 INSTITUTIONAL SECURITIES. LTD. Avlat Gr 13.30 14 58 Ins Grp 1.10 121 Bank Grp .81 .90 IX VESTS! EXT H4NKIXCJ CO I'S. Blair Co 1'i 1st Pistil .14 20 4 3 13 1 14 105 70 "a 58 1 71 17'4 8' a 3 27 5V a 79' a 7 4 45 20 Va 4 30 3 7' 10 22 20V a 9 26 "a 75 4' a 1 20 5 4 37 V4 8' 14 12 25'i 28 101 1 13V 75 3 16 95 40' a 4 18' 10 27 1 106 14 5.. 26 I'a 26- 86 86 30 16 26 Am I.t Tr 120 3 Am L4T pf 15a 1 FINANCIAL NOTICES ANNUAL MEETINGS THE ANNUAL MKETlNfl OF THE STOCK- hoiders of the PHILADELPHIA BOURSE be held at the office the Company, Bourse Philadelphia, on Tuesday, IPh.

jy43. at 3 P. M. to receive the Annual P.ejwirt of the Board of Directors of ie Company ard to art upon such matter. mav come hefore said meeting.

An fiction for aven 7) tors to oervo 1r a term of three years will be held on 1V same day at the office of the Company, l-oila will be open at 2 P. M. HARRY C. HUDSON, Assistant Secretary. PROPOSALS 12 17V 8 1 27 '4 3 2 9 4 18 60' 4s.

6 2 2 6 1 1 1 36 26 46 "a 11 13-16 7 15-16 8 3s. 16 89 113 2' 3 4 3 4' a 46 31 1 9 'a 26 38' Schenlcv 4s "52 10 105 8S 88 95 105 104 80 47 33'i 13 12 102 86' a 69' 95 38 33 33 38' a 35 35 50 65 81 16 29' i 105 29 27 49 49 12 29 28 28' 28 100 106 104 63 64 89 100 63 96 99 96' a 10V a 78' a 9t' a 39 42 39 Am Mfg .175 105 28 27 Seabd Air Line 6s 2'J' 2 71 17 81a 3 27 6'. 79' 8 454 46 20" 2 4 30 3' 11 22 20! 9 26" 75 4' 2 20 5 4 375 8 15V, 12 26 28 102' 1 13 7V 3 16 9V 5 41 4 18 10 28 United Lt Pwr 8' as '5 2 108 108 United LtARy '32 12 100 100'. Utah PAL 6s A 6 99 99 Waldorf Ast 3s 10 21 19 Yotk Ry. 5s '37 2 89 87 York Rys 5s '47 7 89 87 FOREIGN BONDS STOCKS 11., Asked SeatKl A 6s '45 t.

13 Seabd A 1. 1st 4s '50 3 Seabd At. 1st 4s Seabd A I. adj 5s '49 35 Seabd AL ref 4 '59. 47 Seabd AL 4s '59 t.

14 Seabd A A Bin 4 '33 2 Seabd All Fta 6sA'35ct 83 49 49' 12 295 28 51' 28', Htfd 434 Ibmiesld 15- Md C.sltv 48'- 48 12 29 2 515 23 28 It Supr 6s '63 5 Mi-dellin 7s '31. 14 21 21 21 21 21 21 29" 29 4 4 4 45. 4 4 56 56 56 23 SeabdAllFIa 6s B'35ct 7 Rio de Janeiro 6' is '59 3 Rusxia 5' is '21 mat 20 Russia 6'aS "19 mat. 13 Guan RIt 6s A '58 1 12 4 74 100 100 SherwinW pf 5 30 1 41-16 8 1 3V 16 415. 89 113 2'i- 14 3..

4 3.. 4 I'm 25 a 5 Shell Un 2' as '54. Soconv Vac 3s '64 Simplicity Pat 5 106 106 28 104 104 INSl'RANt Bid Asked AmCsRdi 10'- 11 ActnaCs 129' a 124' 2 Aetna Ins 54' a 56' a Aetna Lt 33 34 AmAHiun 22 23 Am Equit 19 20 Am Rein 55 57 AmResrv 14 15 AmSuretv 54 56 Boston 587 607 CamdenF 20 22' Conn GL 31' 33' a FireN'ark 11' 12' 2 Ianklin 27' a 29 Gen Rein 471 50' i I. 6 7' a Glvle Rep 9 11 GtAmlns 28 S0' Hanover 26 27 Hartfd 92 4 95 102 1 4 Indus Fin cts 1 464 17' 6' a 50' 8' 13 107' a 88' a 2Va 15 14 36 6 19 24 Hi 127V, 474 33 33' -x 62 63 88' a 151 1" 12 17' a 8 15 27 3-16 5'- a 2' a 13-16 4s. 18 61 4 6 21 3 7''.

2' 1 1 37 26 46 "a 11'a 7' 1 9 3 16 89' 113 2' 4 3 4 3 4 3'a 46 31 2 9'i a 3 1 6 17V 2 18 111 5-16 42 9 5-32 1 13 16 3 2 3 Hi 5' 17 3 4' 21' a 13 108V 5V 22 45 2 61 105 3 13 Nat Fire 57' a Nat lJbi'ty 7 NY Fire 15 Pac Fire 103' a Phoenix 85' a Phila Life Phila Nat 13 Pref-Acc 13'i rmvW'sh S45s Rein NY 5 Reliance 17 Re-ere 22 Sprmfl 123' a 'i'ravelrs 464 US fa*g 31 Westch 31! a 1. Am Mnraeaibo. 6 11-16 11-16 11-16-1-16 Am Meter 1 22' 22' a 22' a 4 Am Rep Cp 25 10 10' 10' i 4 1 Am SealKap 1 4 4 4.. Am Super 84 7-16 Am Super 6 28 13 12 Am Thread pf 3 3' 3' a 3' a 4 1. Am Writ 1 4 4 4 1.

Anchor 5 3' 3 3 .4 1 AppalEIlT pf45 40 103' 103 105' a a Ark Gas 13 3 3 3 4 1 Ark Gas 19 3 3 354.. Ark PL 7 pf 7 50 91 90 91 2 Aro Equip 2 13 15 15 4 Art Metal .60. 3 8 8 8 4 Ashland Oil .40. 1 6 6 4 Atl Fish b. 3 554 5 554..

Atl Co 2' ad 50 37 37 37 4 T'i Atlas Corp wts. 63 2'. 2 2 Atlas Ply 4 18 174 174- Automat Prd lab 23 4 3 4 4 Va Averv Sons ad 4 7V' 7' 7' a 4 Axt Fish A ..1320 80 79 80 Bab Wile lib 20 24 23 23 1 Bakl Loco 7 6 6 6 Barium Steel 22 3'. 2 2 14 Basle Refrac 3 3 3' 5' a 1 Beaunit .60.. 1 10 10 10- Beech Artcr 62 14 14 14 4 Bellanca Alrcr.

13 4' a 4 4' a la Berkvy Gay Fur 83 13 16 11-16 13-16i1-16 '-2 4 So Colo Pwr 6s '47. i So Pacific 4Vis '81 ..153 So Pacific 45as '68 ..105 So Pac 4'is '69 ....141 So Pac col 4s '49 28 So Pac ret 4s '55 ..192 So Pacific 3s '46 602 7 3 Complete sales. xEx-dividend. wwWlth. warrants.

xwWlthout warrants. aPlus extra. bDeclared or paid so far this year- no regular rate. cPayment on accumulated dividends. dPaid last yeafiT eCash andor stock.

1 3'a Provi-dons and produce ateady and un MINNEAPOLIS, May 4 CA. F1.AXSEK.D fututc rinsed 1 lower. Mav a.uo, July CHICAGO, May 4 (A. BUTTER receipts 52S .178: steady: prtre as quoted by the Chicago priee rurreet rm unchanRed. EGGS, receipts 25.S2.t; fu-m: fresh graded, extra firsts, cars 3f Other grades unchanged.

EGG FUTURES. 2 contract Oct 4.5. NEW YORK, May 4 CA. EGGS firm. MIXED COLORS: Fancy to extra fancy VtallT: extras JUlalO: storage packed firsts 33: ftrade-J flrsls current receipts 37 i medium -W dirties No.

1. averaee cberk WHITES: Fancy to extra fancy speeials 40M-: fsm-y lieavv mediums mediums asi HUtiWNS: Famy to extra fancy sieci.ils :1 standards 38 -U: mediums lUiTTER 1.055,12: sleady; price unchang-. cil nt tvllinxs. CHEESE 4ixi.21t: nominal, no fiuolntions. DliKSSK.I) POULTRYl Firm, all trcsh nnd frozen prucs unrhnd.

LIVE IXiULTRY: Hy frwithV. nominal, no ttuotatHins. Hy Express: Finn, frv. ers ami broilers, rock, erossee and reds 32. Turkeys, lens and turns.

34. Ducks 27. 46 63 64 64'. 89 S6'a 100' 68 96 99. 14 1 4 1 9 3 3 1 1 6 6 1 6 3 5 16' 9' 2 I.

li Solar Aire Solar Mfg Sonotone Cp Soss Mfs So Coast Corp So I'enn Oil So Cal EB pfUa So Col A. So Royalty Span Gen rets Silencer Shoe Stand Brew Std Cap A SI lid Std CAC pf 1 60 31 14 4 9' a Int Cig Mch 1 Int Hy-El pf 6 Int Ind Inc 8 Int Petrol 1 6 Int Products 1 Int UtU 15 Int I pr pf 3' a 150 Inst Pw Del 7 pf 1 Iron Fire 1 20 150 Irving Air 1a 1 Italian Sup A 3 63 88' 85! 99 67 93 99 96 101 'i So Pac Or 4's A '77 46 So Pac 4.s '50 15 16 N. Y. Stock Exchange Averages 41 4 4 18' 10 1.. 27 sev (Compiled by the Associated Pjessl So Rwv is 56 So Rwy 6s A '56 So Rwy 3s "94 So Rwv gijn 4s '56.

So Rv SlL 4s '51 44 102 65 79 3 4 1 2- SO 15 13 60 CTFS. OF INDEBTEDNESS 78' a 9S' 50' 2 98 i -K-L- 51 51 16'a 103 103 103 Spokane Int 4' is 2013 10 Slil Oil Cal 2s '66 5 Std Oil 3s '61. 11 la -16 105 105 105 5 1 85Va 94 111 3-16it 42 10 111 110 111 RMe Bid Asked .49 .44 .71 .71 .77 .75 .79 .77 .83 .81 .82 .80 Maturity August 1. 1943 November 1. 1943 December 1.

1943 February 1. 1944 April 1. 1944 May 1. 1944 Studebaker cv 6 '43. Texas Co 3 '65 Indus'! 4..

4 5 7Q 1 68 6 64 9 48 0 70 5 70.1 60 2 60 6 5 106 106 Tub. 1 1 41 Net change Tuesday Monday Week ago Month ago Year ago 1943 hmh 1943 high 1943 low 1942 high Ralls -2 26-1 26. 3 25.1 26 2 15 5 26. 3 26. 3 18 3 19.7 14.4 Utils .4 X43 2 33 8 32 9 32 8 22 8 34.

2 33 8 27.1 27.5 21.1 Stocks 4.2 X50 4 50 2 48 9 49 8 3 36 50 4 50 2 41.7 41.6 320 14- 14 Bliss F. 2d 18 15 9 14 105 105 105. 91 91V 91', 110 109 110' Texas Co 3s "59 4 Tex A Ft Sm 5Vs 'SO 21 Tex Pac 1st 5s 20 0O 4 Tex A Pac 5s '77. 22 2 4 1 42' 2.. 13 63 41 Std Drcdg 3 Std lil Kv 1a.

4 Std fill Ohio pf 5 D0 Std A Lt 21 Std Iw Lt pf 1 Std Prod 5 Std Sil Lead. 2 Stil Tube 2 Starrett Cp vtc. 15 Storchi Bros 2 Stcrl Alum 3 Sterl Brew 9 Sterling Inc 1 Stetson 1 Sullivan Mch 2 Sunray Oil 37 Corp. 7 Tampa Elec 1 83 82 83 37 4 97! a 5 11 3 9 83 4 FEDERAL LAND BANK BONDS Issue Maturity Bid Asked Yld 83 83 1942 low 46 0 V. Tex A Pac 5s '79 3 83 Tex Pac 5s '80 8 S3' Third Av ref 4s '60.

67 69' New 1943 highs. 82V 68 23 4s July 1946-'44 103 103 15-16 69' 2 29 6 17 2 16 111 42 8 5-32 1 13-16 3 8 3 1 5V, 17 35 4 2i'i 12 1085 5 22 41 a 1 61 1054 2 19.. 10' 4 6 4 Blue Ridge 68 2 BlueRid cv pf3e 50 42V, Blumenthal S. 10 13 Bohack 1 pf 2c 2Q 63 Bow Hotel 2 Bow Hot 2 Pf 1 1 Bra 22 19 Breeze Corp 1'd 8 105 Brewster Aero 15 6 Bridgept Mach. 37 5 Brill Cp A 6 5 Brill Cp 2 1 Brill Cp Pf 225 72 Brown 3 3 Brown Dist.

1 154 1. Third Av adj 5s '60. 240 V-YV-Y 1 8 3' is Mav 3s July 3s Jan 3s Mty 19StJ- 4b 1U4 14-1t TUO 1955-'45 104 11-16 104 .7 1956'46 105 15-16 106 .61 1956'46 106 11-16 106 .6: 5' 4 12' 12' 14 4 1. 5 1 85', 94 37 31. 4 974 5 12'.

3 9 8 9 i 9' 2 38'-' 34' a 6 7 27 154 4 5' 4 2 3 13 3 111 111 111 PENNSYLVANIA 1IEPAKTMHNT Harrisburg. Pennsylvania. Seiil proposals will be received at the Of -itr of the Secretary of Highways. Room f'nS North Office Building. State Capitol, 10:00 A.

Eastern War Time, May 35. 1943, when bids ill be publicly opened end scheduled ami contract awarded as soon thereafter as possible for the construction approximately 5297 linear feet of divided cor.sisUns of two widths of crinrrete iKvenK-nt 24 feet. 38 feet and in width on ea-h axle of a di-viior strip. alo 4CD linear feet of widening ef ex.tir.g pavement with cement concrete variable 22. to 1.4-1 feet In v-Kitli on each sjile.

Philadelphia County. Hlv cf Legislative Route Section Legislative Route 67.t. S-tjn 1-A. Ridding blanks and sperinca-tiir. may be obtaux-d free: a charge of ff VI a set is made for construction draw-lrgs.

They may be obtained upon appll-talunn ta the IVnr.sylvarua Department of Highways. Harnsburg. A refund for drawings returned will not be made. They may I seen at offices of the Pennsylvania Department of Highways. Harrisburg; Penn-Fyivarua Company Bank Building.

7 East Lancaster Ardmore: Wabash Building. Lihertv ave. arid Ferrv Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania. JOHN V.

SHROYER, SeC- r-elaryof H-srhways. F. A LE1 VU SA LS. BIIIS i'T furnishing ffteen 13 'M' 12" y. wooden positoons for the pipeline of the hydraulic dredge Philadelphia" and ad-cressed to the urdersisrned will be received until 31:30 A.

M. IE. W. Tuesday, laj- 18. 1843, in Room 211.

Municipal Pier No. 4, South Delaware Wharves, and then ublicly opened. Piar.s. specifications and blank forms upon which must be made can be obtained in Room 204. Municipal Pier No.

4. South Delaware Wharves. AH bds must be accompanied by a certified check or certificate of deposit issued to the order cf the City Treasurer, or bjg bonds cf the City of Philadelphia, and the prospective bidder must Tie with the Director, in answer to a questionnaire furnished by the Director, a sworn statement at least cne week prior to the opening ot bids Oast dav for Sune questionnaire 11:30 A- iL W. T. Tuedajr.

May 11. 1943. in accordance with the provisions of an ordi-rjnrt approved October 23. 1940. The Jorm of contracts and bonds may be obtained in Room 715.

City Hall Annex. The TJTrector reserves to himself the right to rejK-ft anv or ail bids as he may deem best the interest of the Citv of Philadelphia. KDWIN R. COX. Director.

Jacobs Co 13 Jeannette Gl 2 Jer Cent PL pr 6 20 Jer Cenl PL pf 7 20 Kind's Ltl pf He 20 Kinijstn Pr 29 Kirby Petrol 1 Kopiers pf 6 ..30 Krueger Br 1 Lake Sh .206 14 Lakey FM 1 Lane Wells 1 Lehigh CN 65 Ionard Oil 5 LineMaterial lad 2 Lit Brolhers 2 Uoe Star 13 Long lsl Lt 14 Eons IsIL pf A 175 Long IsIL pf 850 Ijiudon Pack 1 La Ex .10. 23 Lyncf Corp 2 -50 Manatl Sugr wts 16 Mansel Strs 4 Marin Stm Shvl 6 Mass Utils As 10 McCord 14 McWms Dr lb. 23 Memp 16 Merritt S. 3 Technicolor 76 Un EI Chi 5s '45 Un Elec Mo 3s '71 Union Pac 3' '80. Unkn Pac 3' as 70.

Union Pac js '71. United Drug 5 '53. 3 108 103 108 10 1024 102 102 3 102' a 102'-a 102' 2 Dow-Jones Stock Averages Oton High Ijow Close Chg. 30 Indus 138 85 138.71 137 27 138 18 .75 20 Ralls 36.40 36 64 36 01 36 12 .13 15 Utils 20.14 20.33 19.95 20 18 .12 65 Stocks 48-01 48 33 47.71 48.01 .16 Volumes Industrials, 95.600: rails, utilities, 65 stocks, 452,640. New York Bond Market Averages Texas PAL.

pf 7 10 4 1 415, 9 102' a 1025 102" Brown pf 1c 50 100 101' a 101' 101 US Steel 2. 40s Nov "52 5 2 Brown Rub 43 2'-a 42 12 63 1 195a 10 6' 4 5 1'- '69 2 15 100 14 161 a 9'-a 14 13! 4 26 25-4 15. 1 3'4 6 21 13 1014 8 9 3 8' 101 101 101 98 93 9 1 9 1 38V, 34' i 6'i 2 27 1 4 5 1 3 12 3 8 93 99' 99 98' 99 93 (Compiled by the Associated Press 93 111 20 111' 111' 10 10 10 108 108 10S LIVESTOCK MARKETS CHICAGO, May 4 (A. (U Dept Asrl Salable HOGS 13.0(10w total 21.5ix. steady to 10 lower than Monday's average, gotid and choice ib jrenerally 14.55-TO.

top 14.75. 140-1SD lbs sows steady to lo lower, good andl choice lb 14.25-50, shippers touic TttH). Salable CATTLE HUH), calves JiV. fed steers and yeurlinats slow, steady, choice prime ulferings active, bulk medium ta food grade, bulk 14. 25-15.

50. top 17.0O, sliw cattle fairly active, medium to good! grades 13.50-15.25. good to choice Southwest fleshy feeders 13.00-50. with comparable stock calves W.OO-bo. fed hei'era steady, best lti.25, cows more active, strong, cutters 10.23 down, bulls fully steady, weit'htv sausage offerings to 13.75.

Salable SI1KEP 7CXJO. total 7oOU. fat lambs stror.jf. siots 10-15 higher, good to choice tvVl His wooled lambs 16.1W-15. Just good I'X lbs 15.75.

few Western clipped lambs 83-93 lbs with No 1 and No 2 skins 15-00-25, odd. loads with fall shornpeits 13 33-50. Just gexxl fed Texas offerings 14.60. sliei steady. gxxl to choice shorn native ewe LANCASTER, May 4 (A.

PJ. CATTLE fat steers, all grades soi4 liregiilar ami a titrong quarter lower coan-Iand with a week ago; heifers and bulla steady; cows 25 to 4H cents lower than a week ago. Calves 110; lS.50alJ.5O. HOG3 106; 15al5.25. SHEEP 24, firm prices.

NEARBY EGG PRICES Sr.THUIItM 14 1, 4 14 I'S Stl 2.45s May '53 5 Uni Stkyd '51ww 5 Utah A 5s A '44. 5 Utah A 5s '44 12 Va -Elec 3' is '68 1 Va Ry Co 34 '66 2 Va A cn 5s '58-. 1 Wabash 4'is '78 1 4's '91 20 Wabash 4s '81 61 Wabash 4s '71 15 Walworth 4s "55 4 84' 84 5 32.. 1.. 3..

8.. 3 15.. 17 3- 1. 4 V. 21 '-a 1 13 1 1085- 14 5 1.

22 4V 1, 1 1 61 la 105 ,2 3 1 1-16 9- 1 60 4 10 1 2- 4.. 10.. 1.. 3- 'a1-16 12 Pi Va 9-16r1-16 40' a 4 3- 1. 43..

5' la 4.. 73 41 9.. 3 2.. 4 1 841 94 37 3 4 97' 5 11 3 9 8 9 1 9 1 38 33' 6 71 27 154 3 5 1 3'a 12 3 8 1045 1 2" 6 5 6 1 8 81. 19 34 1 8 25 55' a 11 7 20' a 2 1 167 6s.

12 1 1' a 8 84' 27 40 50 9 15 13 27 2 1' 114 3 2 13' 10 8 10 4 8' a 89 8 Indus'ls 4.1 1052 105.1 1050 104.7 1033 105.2 103.8 27' 2 39 50 94'i 94' 27' a 39' a 49' 2 94' 2 94! Rails .3 76.1 75. 4 75 4 64 8 76 4 64.6 66 2 Merritt pfA 50 104'i -15i Net change Tuesday Monday Week ago Month ago Year ago 1943 high 1943 low 1942 high Utu's 4-2 102.4 102.2 102.2 102.1 94.4 102.4 98-0 100 6 93-6 Fign. .4 60.3 59. 9 59 9 60.3 47.7 60.7 63.2 63.3 41.5 104 1 94 94 Mesabi Iron 1 103 103 Warner Bro 6s '48 6 103 1-16 5 4 1 71 42 3 154- 2 100 2' 2 14 9 4 14.. 13..

27 -2 2.. 1'. 1'. 3 4 1. 2 4 13 4 V.

1054 8 10 41 4 4 la 88' 2 'a 10 4 7 114 4 74 42 23 1 10' 2 1 7' a 4 H4 7 4 Va 70 2 86 4 7.. 16' a 41 5.. 32 13' 119" 119' i 119' i 98 98' 98 103. 8 102.6 594 1942 low Metal Tex Mich Bumper Mich Steel MicroHone MldStPet A MidStPet Midi West Midi Oil pf '4c. Westchester Lt Ss '50 5 Maryland 5' as '77 8 Maryland 4s '52 6 West Pac 55 '46 50 West Pac 5s West Sh 4a 2361 17 2 a 5 6 1 9 19 x-New 1943 high- 88' 15-16 13-16 IT.

S. TREASURY CERTIFICATES 9 10 91' 2 70 70' a 60 90 924 94 89 605 21 91 69' a 69' a 60 89 a 93 88 59' a 21 Midi sti rTOd 2. West West Yld. 2 11 16 65. 5 6 1 9', 19 34 1 8.

2 56 11 'a 21 Union 5s 60.. 20 Union 5s '51- 26 Union 4'is '50 9 Issue Bid 11. 100 2 Mid vale Co lab.25 Bruce Co b. 1 Buckeye PL 9 Buff Nias? pf 21 BunkerHiUA 1 2 Burco pf 75 Burry Biscuit 5 Cable El 4 Cable El Pro vte 8 Callite Tung 15 Cal El Pwr 13 CanMarconi 226 Carrier Corp. 11 Crock Whl Liquid 50 Carter Co .60 1 Casco Prod 1d 8 CaUlin Cp 4 CentH G4E 1 CtntNYPow pf 5 40 Cent Ut.

38 Cessna Aircft 1d 11 Charts Cp .60 1 Cherry-Bur 25 ChiFlexShft lb 150 Childs pf 525 Oties Service .233 Cities Serv 6 pf. 17 Cities Serv pf 3 CittesSer6BB pf 40 CitiesSerPL7pf 7 "lO City Auto .60 2 Clk Control lib '50 Claude Neon Lts 2 neveEl It lib 'IDO tne Tract b. 3 Colon Dev Ltd 80 Colonial Airline. 2 Colo wts 12 CoilFArms ib 250 Colu GK 5l'f 5 60 ComtvPbS 150 Comty Wat 4 Compo Shoe 1 Cons Biscuit 4 91 70' a 70 '2 60 a 89 92 94 89 59 21 111 98 West Mirtw 2 34 1 8s. 100 6 la 4 14 Texon till 2 Thew Shovel ab 1 Tllo Roof 2 Tob Prod Exp.

2 Tob Ltd db 10 Todd Ship lib. 20 Toledo Ed pf 6. 10 Trans Lux 35 Tri Cont wts 10 Tubize Chat 23 Tubi2e Ch A 2b 50 Tung Sol .201 13 Tuns Sol pr 80 1 Udylite Corp 4 V- Unexcelled lia 2 l'nl Aire Pd 1a. 41 I'ni Cigar Stores 76 l'nl Corp wts .295 Unl Gas Corp. 201 I'ni Gas Corp wts 3 I'ni Gas pf 5VaC 450 Uni Lt Pwr A 36 I'ni Lt A Pwr 3 Uni Lt A Pwr pt 9 UnTMolasses 1 l'nl Shoo 2'ia 375 Uni Shoe pf 1' i 10 Unl Special 2 Foil 4 A Int pf 1c 325 Lines pf .70 2 Radiator 4 Rub Reel.

1 Uni Stores 11 Unl Wnlll'ap 10t 28 1 'mv Corp vte. 2'j Utah IdiiSug 22 Utah PAL pf 1 1 Utility Kquitles. 1 'als(ir 11 Venezuelan IVt. 44 Virg Pub pf 140 Vogt Mfg .80. 2 Waco Aircft 2 Walker Mm 4 Wentwth Mfg lib 3 West Va Coal 19 Western Air.

4 West Md Ry pf 010 Wichita Riv Oil 3 Woodlev Pet .40 3' right Haru 21 Wheel Stl 3Vis '66 4 Wise Cent gen 4s '49 87 WiscCent SAD 4s '36 13 Wise EI Pwr 3' is '63. 2 Maturity June. 1943 September, 1943 December. 1943 March. 1944 June.

1944 September. 1944 September. 1944 March, 1945 100. 14 100.16 100.11 100 27 44 111 111 Asked 100.4 100.8 100.16 100.18 100.13 100.29 99.29 100. 20 100.12 99.19 99 21 Midwest Oil 4 Mid West It 1 Minn MM 3 Mock Jud lib 5 Molybdenum lib 4 Monarch.MT b.

3 Monogram Plet 84 Monroe A .20. 3 Ynsstn SAT 4s 48ev. 6 103 103' Yhgstll SAT 3' is '60. 17 98 93 9 60 60 4 4 10 10 2 2s. V- 4 4 11 10 1 1 v.

3-32 8i' 121 '-a 120 9-16 Va 7-16 7-16 41 40' a 3 3 68' a 67 45' 43' a 5 5 4 4 73 72 9'i 9'i 3 3 2 2'-i 5-16 3 2- 19i 18 2 2'a 63 61 1'i 1'a 1'. 1 5 5 62 61' a 94 9 4s. 4 3 3 6 6 8 86 86 6 6 7 7 3 31 .30 .30 .34 .33 .33 .84 .41 1 05 91 112 1 33 ot a FOKEION BONDS 4 Vz 4 1. 4 1. 1.

1 2 551a 11' a 7 21 2 1 167 2" 6 12 11' a 8 99 27 100. 18 1 100 10 99.17 1 99.19 Hi 100 11 decimal are Public Utilities STOCKS Mont Ward A 7 140 169 7 11 74 23 9 78' a 7 69 86 7 16' a la 32 5'-a 5 3 51', 43 20 1 10 4 7 114 74 24'- 101 81 7 70 86 7 16' 1 a 32 1.3 5 6 3 31 43 20' 1 10 4 March. 1945 December. 1943 March. 1946 December, 1946 Figures after the point.

WHITE High Fan-- iarw h'aney medium 4.1'. lalge. 4't as tiu-liiim 4.H Standard huge 41 Standard nuxiium 4 1 Ptvduiers' large PtHiinvi' nuHtium Itillets 4il rwutTS Crax- J5 100 13 1-32d 3 19 Hid Asked Mt City Cop 26 2 Mount IIikI la. 1 6 Muriay 1 121 Mskcn Pstn lib 1 11' a Muskogee 2 8 421, 5.. 5 4 Atiantic City El $6 rum pf tit 1.1 ivr .117 a 35 P.

37 63 1 .100 j.wr.e (Uis Eke 5'-. pt INDUSTRIAL STOCKS Kdison 16 cum tf.10V IjOW 4-t 4 41 rt-m a-i 4H 31 41 37 41 37 39 3H .14 31 43 Avg. 4 4) 4 4t i 4'i 34 42 3 41 5S' 411 37 33 .14 45 Bkl Asked Bid Asked KUi-n $6 pr cf. .1075 Radio Corp. Net 13c on Common Continued From Page 37 quarter net profit $416,333, or 74 cents a share, against $823,273, or $1.46, Year ago.

COMMERCIAL CREDIT March quarter net income for common, or 82 cents a share, against $1,661,450, or 90 cents, year ago. DECCA RECORDS March quarter net profit of $204,563. or 53 cents a share, against $202,005, or 52 cents, year ago. EL PASO NATURAL GAS Feb. net "profit, $166,730.

or 27 cents, on common, against $1.83, or 30 cents, year aero. FLORENCE STOVE March quarter net profit $182,791, or 53 cents, npalnst $200,128, or 58 cents, year LIFE SAVERS March quarter net profit. or 70 cents a share, against $256,723, or 73 cents, year ago. LILY-TULIP CUP-12 mo. ended March 31 net profit, $693,301, or $3.68 a share, against $865,405, or $4.56, previous 12 mo.

MACK TRUCKS March quarter net profit or $1.07 a share, against $770,333, or $L29. vear ago. MONSANTO CHEMICAL March quarter net profit $1,148,711, against $1,294,345 year ago. PHILCO Mai ch quarter net profit $770,890, equal to 56 esnts a share, against $595,035, or 43 cents, year ago. PITTSBURGH FORGINGS Net profit $199,237, or 90 certs, a share, against $167,150, or 76 cents, year ago.

POSTAL TELEGRAPH 2 mo. ended Feb. 23 net loss $833,231. against $892,924 sear ago. PURITY BAKERIESi-16 weeks ended April 24 net profit $657,462.

or 85 cents on common, against or 64 cents, for 16 weeks ended April 18. 1942. STANDARD BRANDS March quarter net profit or 18 cents on common, against $1,489,979, or 10 cents, year aso. liROWN: Mallorv AetnaStdE 6V4 7 17 19 5 MarlinRk 58 Nat Bellas Hess. Nat City Lilies 1 Nat Containr lab Nat Fuel 1 77 8 5 49 23' a 11 11V 3 98 12 a 3'- 51..

43 4 la 20 4 I 1 10 4 4 4 6254 4 115 39''. 5 8 88.. 14' 4 14 1.. 5 4 61'a la 9s. 1.

4 s- r. 6 8 86 42 64 7 la I. 62' 62 'a ConsGE Bait 3 60 4 Fanc-y large Fancy medium Extras large Extras medium Standard large Standard medium Producers" large Pullets Pvewees 43 41 42 41 415 37 457. 1 75 5 3 Nat Mf" Strs Nat pf 6-Nat Rub lib. Nat Tunnel Nat Un Radio CnsGEBlt pB4' 50 115' 115 (7.

-I VCLA "7 3a' a 1a "50 39 39 Cons 4 8 23 11 1 1 14 3 97 12 4 112 5'i 8 43 105 6' 17 63' 3 Neb pf 7,.10 112 Jumbo 8 76'i 116 37 625 93 89 SO 82 87V 19 6 9 17 102" 185 13 Cases sold. 61 37 6 36' a 8 "9 7 2 6 945. 39 7 45. 8 3 67 29 29 37 25 7 MT. 8 88 14' 13 71.

3-16 2V. 20 22" HOLLY High Merck Co 364 MoKansPp 5r. NBrt.Mch 35V. NorthrpAir 7 Pa Forge 6. Pa Sgr pf a Prrmutlt 6 IVt HAPw 1 Phlla D'rv 5 do $6 pf 91 do $4 pf 35 PoIIak Mf 6 Rem Arms 3V RcpNtGas 7 Rep Drill 2 SafetyCr 64' Scovill 27 StalevMf 27' Std Scrw 33.

Stetsn pf 21 StrawClth 2 WHITE Ala Mills 55. AlnWd Stl 4 do pf AmMalze 19 Arlmg 50 Autocar 12' do pt 119V, Auto tirdn 4 Bausch 24 Boyert 11 Botany A 5 do pt 12 Brooke Ir 4 BrwnShp 875 Bud a Co 11 Buckeyes 17 xChiltori 74 Crowell 23 CubAmMn 4', DpRk Oil 16 Dent Sup 59 DevoeRB 21 Di.xonCru. 454 DunABrd 255'a Dietanhn 28 44 Nelson 1 5' a Neptune A 1d 2 8' NEngPA 6pt2c 825 45 Eng TAT 1'b 1 105 New Hav Clock. 4 6 New Idea .60 3 17 Zinc ab 9 63 Mex Ariz L. 5 3 Hond 23 75 21 52 5 26 19 6 13' 6 93V 12 18! 8 25 8V, 64 24 484 275, Cons Steel 14b 7 ContlGE pr pf 7 20 ContlRAStFy lb 9 Cooper Bes ib.

3 CopperRge 41 350 Comu Gold Mns. 1 Cosden Pet 4 Cosden Pet 5 pt 150 CYeole Pet lia 42 Croft Brew 51 Crown Pet Md 6 Crown Drus 8 Crvstal OP. 1 CubanAU Sg id 54 1 Darby ret lib 4 20V-4 '4 23 41 11-161-16 4 14 1.. Fancy large Fancy medium Extra large Extra medium lroducers large Producers medium Pullets 22 DOMESTIC BONDS Sales In Issue $1300 High Low Close Am Pwr A Lt 6s 2016 5 103 103 Ark A Lt 5s '56 6 1C8 108 108 Asso El is '53 14 66 66 66 Asso 5s '50 42 24' a 23 23 Asso A 5s '68 26 24 23 24 Asso GAE '49 17 24 23 234 Asso A '77 3 23' 23' 23' Asso TAT 5'is A "53 2 82 815 82 Baltt Loco 6s '50 21 123 122 122' Bell Tel Can 5s '60 2 119 119 119 Birmg EI 41jS '68. 3 1 044 1044 1044 11 I.

11' 1. 3 1. 98 12 4 T. 1. 4 4 1.

112 42 5' a 4 8' a 45 2 105 41 4 1 17.. 63.. 3.. 23 41 107 4 3 674-1 14 58.. 1 64..

6'-, 4 97 11' 4 I'm 69 41" 311' 43 29 425 1 7 4 1'. 22" 4 4.. 22 4 19 4 1. 115 NYStEG pf5.10 90 107107'a 21 'i 21 21 21 21' 99 88 83 83 85 85 "2 8P2 99 99 49. 47 47V 77 75' 74' 74' 101 102 2 25 24 24' 22 22' a 22 62'a 62' 2.

47 474 45 88' 2 64 57V, 53' a 19 11a 13 31 '4 20 13 19 23 32 29 29 79' i 48 a 69 88'i 21i 21 21 21 2V a 99 89' 83'a 83' 85 812 99 99 49. 47 47 73 76 a 74' 2 74 101s. 102 24 25 24 24'-a 22 22' 2 22 62 62'a 47 47 45' a 89 64 58 53' a 19' a 13 11'a 13 31 20 iau 19' 23' 1 32 29 29 79'i 48' a 69 83 21 21 21 21 21' a 99 89' a 83' a 83' a 85Va 85 '-2 81 99 99 49 47 47 78 76' 75 74' 101 102 24 25 24 24 24' 2 22 22 62' 62' 47 47 455 E9 64 58 53" 19' 13' 11' 13 31 20 18 19 28' a 33 29 29 79 48 2 69 88'i Antloqul.i 7s A '43. 6 Antioquia 7s 2 Antl.Kjula 7s 1 '45. 3s Antioquia 7s '57 1st.

5 Antlooulu 7s '57 3.1. 5 Argentine 4'is 3 Argentine 4' as "71 33 Argentine 4s '72 Feb. 37 Argentine 4s '72 Apr. 54 Australia 5 8 Australia 5s "57.... 6 Australia 4V2s '56 9 Belgium 65s '48 1 Belgium 6s 2 Brazil 8s "41 2 Brniil 6' as '26 -'57.

2 Brand 6' as '27-'57 1 Buenos A 4'a-44S '75 28 Buenos A 4-4s '76 33 Buenos A 4-4' "76 15 Buenos A 4' -4s '77 9 Canada 3s '76 1 Canada 3s '53 5 Chile 7s '42 us 2 Chile 6s Feb '61. 2 Chile 6s Feb '61 as. 17 Chile 6s Sent '61 22 Chile 6s '60 as 2 Chile Bk 6s '61 as 1 Chile Bk 6' is '57 as 4 Chile Bk 6s '62 as 6 Colombia 6s Jan '61. 2 Colombia 6s Oct '61. 1 Colombia 3s '70.

7 Copenhagan 5s '52- 1 Copenhagan 4' is '53. 1 Cuba 4' as '77 26 Denmark 6s 12 Denmark 5' as '55. 4 Denmark 4' as "62. 5 Greek 6s '68 pt pd. 25 Jugo Bk 7s '57 2 Mexico 4s '04 '54 as.

6 Mexico 4s '10 la-as. 4 Minus Ger 6' is "58.. 1 Peru 7s "59 10 Peru 6s '60 185 Peru 6s '61 86 Rio de Jan 6'is '53 14 Rio Cr do Sul 8s '46 5 Rio Or do Sul 7s '66. 6 Rio Gr do Sul 6s '68. 1 Santa Fe Prov 4s '64.

6 Sao Paulo St Rs '50. 3 Sao paulo St 7s "40. 1 Sydney as '55. 1 Niaft Hud 3' 2 4 1 14.. Jumtwi Low 43 4i 1 43 -1! .111 35 44 42 3 37', a 44 63 Av.

ta 4V 41 40 41 44 42 41 17', .17 32 41 63 BROWN 43 45 41 42 45 42 42 38 4) 37 .15 45 70 Niag 1 pf 525 Nia 2 Pf 70 Niag A wts. 10 NiagShMdB .151 4 4 691 58 1 64 6 a 97 11 Missouri Public Scrviee 7 New Ilrvgland Pub Ser pf 72 Ne trieans Public Service 21 New Orleans 7ci pf 112' Per.r.a Edison $2-80 pf 34 Peima J5 pf 59 I'erina Electric 5-10- pf 108 rVR-ia Pwr ft Iji S6 pf 82 Jvnna Lt $6 pf 90 Ifrna Pwr Lt 7 pf 95 Ifnr.3 Teiephonc 50 pf 56 Lt ii pf 27 Philadelphia Co $5 pf 78' a Co $6 pf 83'a Electric 171, Transportation 5 phioeU.hia Trans pnrtatiun pf. 8 ft-hlw Service of Indiana 15' Ijblic Servii-e of Indiana 55 pf 99 West If an Iower 16' BONDS A-ner Gs Power 3-5s 1953- A.wr Ulii 6 1964 103 A-wr Wtr El deb 5i 1975 97' Atlantic Citv Gas 5s 1960 78 ChKas-. City Ry 1-5s 1927 54' 'a "onsoi El Gas A 6s 1S62 73' Eastern Shore Pub Ser 5s 1935. .103.

Federated Utils 1st 5 is 1957 98 Inland Gas 6' 1955 149' i City. HP St 4s 1949. 981 Kevstone I-Mb S-rv 5s 1978 103 lh rh Vallev Tr.irji 5s 1960 86'-'a Jrxireton Wtr Pwr 6s 1968 ...100 Market St El Pass Rwy 4s -56 lO? N--h Ht 1-5s 1951 NY PA NJ Utils sec deb 5s 1956 98 North Inn Gs 5' as 1957 98 IVnna Gas F.lec 5 "is 1955 Jt! la i tirt St Hwy 5s 1955 87 Phila P.apjd Trar.s 6s 1962. 106s. Transr-ortatujn 3-63 2C33.

73' a P- Trar.srxirlation 4-; 1969 92' a 'snLirr'i Rw 5 1953 4 a r-Tlland Ee. 6s 1350 39' a --r''i irk Wat 6s '67 ti United Iub uis 5' as Jan 1960 102 do S6pf 103'- 108 do $5 pt 61', 67', IMaghnMil prA 6 1U Fancy large Extra large Extra medium Producers large iToducers medium Puiiets 11 31 Niles lab 45 Nor Am LAP Can North Pw 5s A '53 7 97 97 97 30 East Sugr 8' i 9' Farnswrth 8 9 16.. 15 4 3' a 4 1 4 4 9.. 69 2 41 10 4 4 Am pf 175 8 88 14 14 714 3-16 2 20 23'a 11-16 3' a 1' 11. 15 16 15s.

3'a 1 4 9. 69 2 101. 21. 57 33 19 19 37 4' a 7 64 69 24 94' 9 1'. Jumbo 6' 5 NAraKay A lb.

Am Ray lab Doubles Cases sold. SCO. 1 3 13 2 69 311 29 1 7 22'a 5 22 19'i Nor Am Ct Nor St Pwr A Novadel Ag 2a Oyden Corp 571. 4 la 11 la 1 33 4 COTTON MARKET NEW YORK. May 4 (A.

OVPIXW moved in quiet and narrow r.nge today. Futures rloshii; 5 cents a bale higher StmbgCrl 10 Super Tool 2 Sylv Ind 29 Talon Inc 38 TaylrWhr Tenn Prod 34 Time Inc 35 Tokheim 12 Trk-n lrd 34 UniDrill A 6' a Veeder It 474 WamrSw 11. WarnerCo 4s, do pf 35s. Welch C.I 15 WMiehStl 6 Wickwire 14' York Ice.M 5' do pf 71 Ohio Br 173 68 106' 101 81' 58 77 l6iVa 102 106', 90 1031 106' a 102' 1015 104' 91 'a 77 96 42 1055'a 41', 13 4 36 14' 36 7 50 12 5s. 38 17 7 15'.

6' 75 67 58 1 64 6 97 11 65 28' a 29 1 7 21'i 4 22 19 115 6 6 11 34 91 5 18 314 4' a 15 1 96 160 Okla Gas 1.40 1 19 41 Foundatn 5 Garlock 48 Gen Mch 25' a GiddingsL 9 GratnKnt 10 Hajoca 90 '-a HarrisbSt 11V, IntlMch Tl 7 Jacobs Air 4 JeffLkSul 1 Keltett Au 1 LibrtyAir 11' a King Seely 8 hit Br pt I.avrnPC 12 I. MSB pf 105 51 26 10 11 94 12V 8'4 5 1 2s. 69 Okl.iNG cof fi' 30 11S to i cents lower. 3 1 1 14 16 13 3 1 4 9 68 2 9 2 57 33'i 5 18 37 4' a 7 64 69 23 94 9 1 34 4 14 10 2" 8 18 5 93 4 6 High Last 2t) 19 un off 1 up 1 Davton Rub lab. 5 Derby 6 Det Gry lr Fdy.

2 DetMich Stv 20 Dobeckmun 14b 1 Draper Cp 3a ..73 Duro Test 5 Eagle PichrL 7 East Gas Fuel 4 ppf 4Va 2 Ea.lGFepfPac 150 East State Corp 12 East St sC 7pr A 250 EastStsC 6pf 250 pf 15ic 30 Easy Wash ad 1 Kl Bond Sh 331 5pf 5 6 E'tH-BdiSh 6pf 6 13 Elec PAL op wts 2 2d pf A 6 KmerKlecMf 27 EmpDstm.6pf3i- 50 Emsco Der 2 Equity Corp .130 HquityC 3pf 1'ac 5 Esquire lnc 5 Eversharp 1 id 17 Fairchild Av 1d. 3 Fairchild 15 Kalstaff Br 3 Fanstcel Met ld 6 Pedilcrs Mi 2 Flor 7l'f 7 350 Mav July Ht I -e 20.20 2tl (Mi l.s.i pen 211. 1 Pi. i l.h7 1M.M 7 11 34 92 5 19 20.19 lei llLti 1.77 -13 19. K4 19.

KJ urn-h en states juec "a 20 36-2 do 364, Cen States El 5' as '54 78 36 36 36 Chi Ry 5s 1927 72 56 55 Cin St Hy 5laS A '52 1 103' a 103' a 103' a Cities Service 5s '66. 1 96' a 96' a 96! a Cities Service 5s '69. 1 90 90 90 Cities Servk-e 5s '50. 30 90 89 894 Cities Service 5s '53. .2 91 91 91 Cities Svc PI.

"49 1 93 93 93'4 Cities Svc PL as '52 47 91 91 91 Con Gs Bit 2s '76 3 103s. 103' a 103 Cont Gas EI 5s A '53 35 91 91. 91 East Gas A 4s A '56 16 87 87 87 El Pwr Lt 5s '30 55 96 S6'i 96" Kmnire Dist El 5s '52 3 105 104 1044 Fed tr Ser 5' '54 2 104 104 104 Fl.t A 5s '54. 1 105 105 103 G.itinetiu 3sA'69 6 94 94 94 Gen Pub Serv 5s '53. 1 101 101 101 G.i Pw A Lt 5s 1 95' a 95' a 95' a Glen Alden 4s '65 8 96 96', 96' a Grand Tr West 4s '50 3 96! a 965 S6' a Green Mt Pw 3s '63 2 99 99 99 Hvgrade Fds 6s '49 1 94'i 94' i III PAL 6s A 53 10 106' a 106 106 111 I A 55is '54 1 106 106' 106 111 A 5s '56 2 104' a 104l a 104' a III PAL 5' as 57..

3 100 100 100 Ind Hvd El 5s A 58 1 102 102 102 Indiana Serv 5-s '50 3 84 Indiana Set 5s A '63 9 8 83 83i a 1 19.7it up 1 Omar lnc lid 2 6 OvcrseasSec .30 2 7 Pac Can 1 2 11 Pac GK 6 pf 1' i 1 34 Pac PA Lt pf 7 20 92 Pantepec Ven 66 5 ParkershRu; Sib 7 19 Penin Tel 2 51 31 IVnnroad lid 25 4s IN-nn Cent Air. 4 15s I'enn 1E A 6 1 IVnn PAL pf 7 50 96' Penn Salt 1lab. 1 160 off 3. Muldlims sHt 21.ihii. 31 12s xKx-dividend.

LukensSt 10 i What the Market Did Industrial Bonds Noiiitiutl- Average puce middling 3518 In. a' 10 designated Southern sixit markets 21.13. Bid Asked 19! T- 37 7- V. 64 69' a a 24 1 8 1. 94' a 1 9 4 34 Yt 4 16 4154 10 9 5 93..

Tues. Mori 221 183 88 New 1943 highs U. S. INSULAI. BONDS 102 U.

S. TREASURY BILLS New 1943 lows 1 1 Issue Maturity IVnn WAP 4 .150 58' 58 Advances Hawaii 4'is Oct 1956 524 627 46 4' a 15 1 965 a 41 160 1151a la 6 5 20 53' a a 1- 1. Decline: 254 136 40 Bid Asked 109 120 121 115 116 118' a 1I6I4 118 Amer La France j-onm 5. is 66 84' Carrier Corp 4' is 1948 99', Flour Mills of America 4s 1960. 65' Lehigh Coal A Nav 4s 1948 ..104 Penna Sugar 4s deb 1952 93 Quaker City Cold Strg 5s 1953.

36 South Adv A 1st is 1955.101 Tavl.a- Wharton IAS 7' '58. .103 Warner Co ext 6s 1951 93" York Ice Machine 6a 1947 NAVAL STORES SAVANNAH, May 4 CA. TURPENTINE 62 cents a gallon; offerings barrels I gal. each 1SDO gallons; receipts 141 barrels: shipment. 77 ImitiiIi; uttM-ks ROSIN (H) lb drumn.

Oflerlnss 127: 127; receipta 3W, aiiinmenta 73d; atocks SO.bSL 35 16 2 9 18 5' 93 Vatunfv 5 12 Mv 19. 2 Jcnf 2 9 -i 23, 231 180 Philippines 4'is 1959 Philippines 4' is 1932 Philippines 4' as 1957 Philippines 5s Feb 1952 1 1bkfi Unchanged Asked .30 .32 .33 .34 .34 .35 Bid .375 .375 .375 .375 .375 .375 IVpperehMfg 5b 50 1165 1151 Pharis Tire 16 6 Phillips Pack lad 1 5 5 Phoenix Sec 22 20' a. 20 Phoenix See pf 3 5 53' a 53' Pioneer Gold SO 1 I'. I'jUuy livvs 1 7 7 30 123 97 104 Totals 852 1009 1'v 7 Ju. 14.

21. 28 Puerto JUto 5s 1355-'43 1005. 101.

The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)


Where is the new address of The Philadelphia Inquirer? ›

The Philadelphia Inquirer's hybrid headquarters in Old City is a stunning, 36,500 square foot workspace at 100 S. Independence Mall West.

How do I contact The Philadelphia Inquirer? ›

Please do not hesitate to call our Customer Service Department at: 215.222. 2765. Our Customer Service representatives are available seven days a week, weekdays from 6:30 am to 3:00 pm and weekends from 7:30 am to 12:00 pm.

Who owns Philly Inquirer? ›

The Philadelphia Inquirer, LLC (formerly Philadelphia Media Network (PMN)) is an American media company. It owns The Philadelphia Inquirer and Philadelphia Daily News. The company is owned by The Philadelphia Foundation, a nonprofit organization in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Who founded The Philadelphia Inquirer? ›

The Philadelphia Inquirer was founded June 1, 1829, by printer John R. Walker and John Norvell, former editor of Philadelphia's largest newspaper, the Aurora & Gazette.

How much is the Sunday newsstand for The Philadelphia Inquirer? ›

Effective today, the Monday-through-Saturday newsstand price of The Inquirer and the Daily News, including Daily News Weekend, will increase to $2.95. The newsstand price of the Sunday Inquirer will increase to $4.95.

Where is CBS Philadelphia located? ›

It is owned and operated by the network's CBS News and Stations division alongside independent station WPSG (channel 57). The two stations share studios on Hamilton Street north of Center City, Philadelphia; KYW-TV's transmitter is located in the city's Roxborough section.

What to do if Philadelphia inquirer is not delivered? ›

Q. What do I do if my paper isn't delivered? A. You may report delivery issues online via or call Customer Service at 215-222-2765.

How much is The Philadelphia Inquirer? ›

Digital subscription: $1/week for 3 months

After 13 weeks, you will be charged $5.49 every 4 weeks ($21.96 in total) thereafter until you cancel your subscription.

Is The Philadelphia Inquirer left? ›

As of August 2024, 815 people have voted on the AllSides Media Bias Rating for The Philadelphia Inquirer. On average, those who disagree with our rating think this source has a Lean Left bias.

How many readers does Philadelphia inquirer have? ›

Hughes, Editor in Chief Gabriel Escobar, Design Director Suzette Moyer, and Creative Director Elizabeth Samet. Owned by the non-profit Lenfest Institute since 2014, the newspaper reaches more than 13.3 million people a month across its print editions,, e-Editions, apps, newsletters, and live events.

Where is The Philadelphia Inquirer building? ›

The Inquirer Building, formerly called the Elverson Building, is an eighteen-story building at the intersection of North Broad and Callowhill Streets in the Logan Square neighborhood of Center City Philadelphia, completed in 1924 as the new home for The Philadelphia Inquirer, a daily newspaper in the city, that was ...

What was the first newspaper in Philadelphia? ›

The Pennsylvania Packet or General Advertiser was established as a daily newspaper by John Dunlap and David C. Claypoole, being the first daily paper published in the United States.

How many people subscribe to Philadelphia inquirer? ›

The Inquirer has roughly 2 million newsletter subscribers, per data from Hughes, up from around 304,000 in January 2020. It also has an events arm called Inq Live, and experiments with various other digital experiences, such as podcasts, games and brackets.

Is The Philadelphia Inquirer a non profit? ›

The Philadelphia Inquirer is the largest American newspaper owned by a nonprofit and dedicated to public service.

What is the address for the Daily Pennsylvanian? ›

Mailing address: The Daily Pennsylvanian, Inc. offices are located at: 4015 Walnut St., Philadelphia, PA, 19104.

What is the address for ABC news in Philadelphia? ›

Driving directions to WPVI-TV 6 ABC, 4100 City Ave, Philadelphia - Waze.

Where is NBC Philadelphia located? ›

Driving directions to NBC Philadelphia, 1800 Arch St, Philadelphia - Waze.

What is the address of the Messenger inquirer? ›

The main office and production facility is at 1401 Frederica St. in Owensboro.


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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Author information

Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.