Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 20, 1919, p. 1 (2024)

the georgetown j i 3 fiftythird year op publication georgetown wednesday evening angpist 30th 1919 150 per annum or 125 if paid in advance the georgetown herald l pnhluh everty wednesday evening at th herald power printing office gaorqotown ont iiw bv qdntrtast ratr i tnottji tiirmrie rfifev ihsfertttjii aid live cehlw p4rln cur each sutstie- uuetit tuscruoilwlll- ire churned rqrailj v transient atlyetjtlhpmeivui twelve hues tb -an- iricib advertisem*nt without specmq df reedojis- will be wiacrtetj until fornhl jlilljirjiivr anoa ch mbtttli mfituyuz extra qjet- chanea tor juifltjraei- kdvrtahintv jnuiit be 4n the oiiloi bymonday ivj5j- ilns sijbscfuption rates pjypljly or v if jiatd ui jkdvnioptflk-njoiaha- fin wentsis -ad- vantie l he utrireaw abfcvjihowv tfie elate yotir uubmutlpttoh expire jm moore publlavier i otrtime table ooino east passenger 742 uin passeqger 1010 nni mail 1186 am passenger 846 lim mail c2h iun passougor b2c pm passenger sunday 711 oni ooino weht passenger 767 aru mail 040 am passougcr 201 lim passenger 460 lull passenger 001 xni mail 767 un passenger sunday 047 liin ooino noutu mail 747 am mail 620 ini ooino 80utu mail 1128 am mail 760 pm toronto suburban railway daily timktahbk am pm lim ooing east 810 224 going west 866 h10 sunday timetahlk going east am iini lim lni 1021 1220 846 010 640 747 going west a in 1040 pm 610 pm 017 pm 915 butter paper at the herald st georges qhurgh rav wm burt l th rotor sunday aervico urn follow- uun 11 a m blvmmonif 7 p m huntluy tioltool tt4g a m in btue- roenl holy communion lt and 8rrt suiidayit of each month at 11 a m legal shilton wallbridosw a dale brritrvs solicitor eto toronto and ueorjtown olllce kennedy lilouk l hoy dale in charge of george uw otlioa the longest iastlna benefit the greatest sattefattion f or your sweet ipoifc wrigleys in the sealed packages alrtlfiht and impurityproof sealed ttoht kept rioht subf af er sunshine summer sunshine warm and bright blenched the daisys collar whitei khitfpjc jjini ncatjil yyuowj 1 jfu r id iri rtiotta iolct w 4ovv jj isiiwiiiwivblinblililwiouisliibthoiose miuibtiffq tender loaves unclose painted qluslie on lwvfacey oifyo her- beaulj gave her gruce unwi6rihipshuiedreytl0 showers jjitki if4fitfrliiti dlooiniig jfovvors fytttifftqibjite w tjieej satii ani flimahino al ypr itys iaj leh ftlfj tlirougii rautiy daysi oirlaana bpj sand oyreclejir too 0v 89- itiucji of joy to jjin the ep flavour tv lasts good flour is absolutely necessary to produce the best in bread and pastry the noble brands are the superior brands of today try them robert noble limited norval ontario protection and profit when money is in a savings account in the merchants bank it is absolutely safe from loss as far as you are concerned all the time it 5b here it is earning interest so that the bank actually pays you to let it take care of your money dont carry unneeded sums on your person or hide them at home protect them against loss theft and are by opening a savings account th mcrchants bank of canada head office montreal georgetown branch acton branch established 1864 h r mimms manager l b shorey manager corned beef and salmon bydoramollan the final phonograph thr- brunswick phonograph designees began wliorc othor phonograph designors left off it embodies ovcry feature of all other phonographs from ton o to bcnmty and linn besides n number of new ideas not to bo found in any other phonograph in fact it is the all-incliih- ive musical instrument and must indeed represent tlicflnished dream of the genius who first invented a talking hinging and playing instrument the tjltona is a distinctly new creation at tlio turn of iho hnnd you adopt it to play any record it is not an at tachment nothing to takeoff or put on the real diamond for the rdiwon tho real sapphire for the brunswick or pathe the stool or llbro for other records always there wo want owners of other phonographs to come in and hear tho llrunswick play tlio records they use and are f ami i in r with medical dr joseph moandrew physician and surgeon medical ottlcor of health district surgeon 0 t h owcs hours 2 to 4 and 7 to ii p m phons 68 olllce and residence maid street south oupbeite preshyterlau church optical l l plant d o oph o eye speoisliet qeorettown olllce noxf to public library salur- ay liveiitiir 8 to y pm and by up- ointment dental prank r watson dd8 m ds dentiit georgetown ont hours 1 a m to 6 p m except thurhday atternoon dentistry in all its branahei- over bell teleahone office f l heath cd dds dentist olllce in lane block one doer north of oneills carriage factory hours u a m to 8 p m ch1bopbaciic no medicine surgery or osteopsithy a f neiu8en o c qraduateoc the palmer the cri minal hcliool of chiropractic daven port iowa u b a olllce over hourlgune drus store coiiuuliatiou and spinal analysis ree tuesdays tliursduys unil satur days 2 to c und 7 to 8 p m phone 1b0s auctioneers benj petch uceiisud auctioneer far ilaltoit and peel ulenwllilums 1ust olllce sales cdnduotcil satisfactorily and at rea sonable rates orders left at the georgetown herald ulllcu will receive titompt attention milton prentiss hsinkkks and maciiinkrv llkokkrs molars kloflric kopuirn pov biol toltonto j a tracy clerk townshlii of issqueelng olerit 3rd division court vhalmidlbsirfr bnd m jnfn ts represented jmuer of marriage uoenseei oinoemlil street west vv- aqrgwjpn ixtvuio hoursfw0nesdynl st iwrrsirhnons fire ac i do your business with the oldest and best companies in the world some of the companies i represent are fire royal queen- guardian caledonian liverpool 65c london globe hartford north british mercantile western globe rutgers hand in hand dominion accident dominion of ganada- guarantee accident employers liability provident assurance co main street i am prepared to issue your policy in any company you may select phonesoffice 206 res 65 georgetown w w roe the signing of peace lias rortiltfld in an im mod into return of building activies and consequently in making a largo demand for all lines of hard- wnro building biipplies and tools y manufacturers havo alrnady rod need their prices whor- over tho cost of labor and material would permit so that the present prions may bo expected io stiuuhlriii in niobt of these linos for ome time tho hango of locks knobs dopr sets etc carrioil in stock by us consist of tlio nioxt staple pntleriir of tlio lending ninniifactiircis voalio have an attractive assortment of iiiiseollaiiooiis hardwaro such as hat and cpat hooks sash lifts push plates door bells butts and biases and sliding door hangers osfngo sets paroid heady roofing i n a class by luilf wc anthony efrwn wo mention no dotailh hero you must come and hear prices from 96200 to 278000 it mason risch pianos bell pianos brunswick phonographs singer sewing machines and other lines you can purchase any of above on small monthly payments frank king next door to livingstones bakery qeorgretown kentner tost carpenters builders phone 211 geo estimates gladly furnished on application butter paper atherald cojjyrlslit ul by the mcclurs nssf paper syndicate corned beef and cubhuke that homely new england odor permeated the cor ridors of a downtown apartment house one springlike morning in december on a run up the fourth night of hairs oat of breath from the long climb mme judy walte with arras full of packages from the corner grocery she followed the permeating fragrance flnilght to its lair a tiny kitchenette iliinined her load on the table and then fairly fled to the kettle simmering- on the ras plate all was well next the package on the table claimed attention a can of salmon hend of lettuce salnd dressing choco- inte eclair everything that her bob most liked was to be ready for him that day fervently jndy kissed the narrow gold band on the second anger of her hand her big soldier husband was to be mustered ont of the serv ice that morning at a nearby camp and he would be home for dinner over a year had passed since the heart rending separation which took place two days after their marriage such brave uncomplaining letters as he hnd written telling only of the bright side of things t now she listened at any minute his knock might sound on the doer would he use the little apartment she had chosen would the metis she had planned salt him of coarse they would bat now there was work to be done lets see she soliloquized corned beef and cabbage for dinner with apple pie and cheese for dessert for supper salmon salsd hot rolls preserved peaches nnd the eclairs hurrying steps coming down the cor ridor brought a glad light to judys eyes and when a knock sounded on the door she was there ready to open it judyl bobby i she was lost to sight in a genuine bear hug gee jndy but this is treat i and the stalwart soldier boy looked around the cozy living room what in biases do i smell 7 be scowled judy looked puexled why she exclaimed thats yoor dinner cooking corned beef and cab bage dear dont you remember tell ing me how fond of it yon were be fore yon went away over his wifes shoulder bob made a wry face bat he said reassuringly into httr ear you bet im just crary about it and he prayed to be for given the lie for the first coarse of their first meal he kissed her thst will always be our brit course be mid then bravely be tackled the ball beef oh how be had learned to hate it but bobbles training in enduring disagree able thins uncomplainingly now stood hinf in good stead he praised th thovihtfulneos and the cookery of bis young wife after they bad washed tod dried th dishes together and joety hid listened to the story of his experiences over there the girlwife pat on btr new cost and hat bobby admired them tad her in them and they started oat for t walk for said jndy we most get a good appetite for supper because i have planned something else that yon like lordy 1 thought bob whit els did i tell her i liked bat hed est it he swore to himself yes even lf- it were canned salmon i supper time came and with it salmon the word of hi hankie jim the wag of th company ran in bit mind i loathe bate abominate execrate detest and abjure canned salmon amen forever and ever i the com pany bad announced in chorus how jinn would chortle at the joke on him i why had he ever told judy ha liked the stuff bobby hadnt been cited for bravery for nothing so he gulped down the detestable staff and thought he was getting away with it but judy with womans intuition felt that some thing was wrong he est like a child taking castor oil she thought to herself watching her husband sur reptitiously wont you have vom mora she asked sweetly no dear i dont seem to be a hungry aa i thought bobby replied however it did not escape xudy that the eclair vanished with a relish al ready a cloud doited across hir borl- ton bob wss not going to like bar cooking a big tear cap to the cor ner of one eye sod rolled slowly down her cheek come on girl lef git tbs dlsbea out of the way and go to t show gee i tin gome time since this boy tit* been in mi honest to goodness thtr bob hsdvt notlcedthetonr jndy was clad of that and determined to throw on the momentary depression fur nh- ing most mar the happiness of her soldiers nrst day at home the show was fine admiring eyes followed bob and she felt so proud of him worry was forgotten when bob asked her if she would like a bite to eat judy suggested that hy go lhome it would be so uucb cevler lhan- resaaraati sohbyvtljed the- ldeitt v v at the apoitoent bobby tat down to read ah evening paper while judy pre pared- a little spread its- ready came the sweet voice of his wife front the next room though deep in the anajut of a uue pubuc noeetlng tq wetcpnie tnesoldftrshcijmeto beheld the nfcrt day bab hprtmg lip with alfecsjiy for the filet that he wan hungry was suddenly borne inupon hlm v- golly he xclaltoed for the third flroe that day a whole tablecloth aad i gobd things tq eat sure do look good til me t tbeysjrtjdowh r ctjun slices of tender corned beef reposed on a platter flanked pn the right by salmon nestlhgrgrtt a bell of pole green lettuce judy caaghf i he involuntary expres sion of repugnance that flashed across her husbands fuce before a hastily summoned smile could dispel it i know its the snine thing over again she said in a pleading voice bat rob you know i renlly havent had time to stock up yet sad anyway we have to be economical for a while till you get your old job back but this time the soldier training was again broukht into play and the corned beef und salmon were once more bravely tackled bat perhaps because judy loved her husband so the power was given to her to read him like a book she was sure be was choking the food down just to please her and again a tear appeared thl time bobby saw it whats wrong dear he asked contritely suspecting the cause you dont like my cooking i sob bed the girl openly crying now of course there was nothing for bob to do bnt to hurry around the table and take the little wife in hi arras you knew i couldnt cook when you married me she choked and i havent had the chance to learn yet- but i will the walls of the little room echoed with bobs laughter indignant judy tried to pull awsy but his strong arms held her close then he told her of that swtul ten days in the ar- gonne forest when canned salmon and canned salmon only hnd been the regi ments steady diet three meals a day and described the mens feeling to ward it then how for more than two weeks tbey had subsisted entirely on tinned corned beef and how their thanksgiving dinner bad consisted of cabbage as the piece de resistance dont think for a minute that we complained he added hastily we were away ahead of our supplies and it was unavoidable nobodys fault but oh 1 corned beef and salmon 1 judy was laughing through ber tears i now and their first day ended hap pily but there has been neither corned beef nor salmon in their little apartment since acton mrs geo lnntz visited friends in georgetown last week shoriff webster of norval was hero on tuesday visiting hfs life- longfriond lion david henderson miss edith ownes of george town i bpendjqgthe- week with fter friend li6 jrlylls cliriicto otffrkeiru fi vj actor wnvlerb sueqebbfijty e- felided the sinifrh phalfende 9p ajlisfnbt ar tirack team from- george- town on fri4ay x mrs win johriston lias returned from a very pleasant trip io the yfii uayihtf visited friea0sin- i sftsbftjkoob ryprktownv winnipeg anilv willanji 1ir mrj flliir gttrdiori oeovgetown height th free jpresn basket ofjiip splendid bonpyrtwttbniatoehqn monday viaj adoen of tjiis fntr variety nllea v tsy- tlio basket mr jcdbn ciaritcf was on abutd vi y ness trip- to chicago last weok and wont from there to montreal o nio3tliis sister mrs hitch who had just arrived fronr england miss calvert va d who has re- i lit ccntly returned from overseas after sionding two years with hospitals of england and france was a guest over sunday of rev and mrs i m moyer mr stanley russell who is tak ing a course in anatomy bateriol- og and sanitary soienee in toronto prior to the government examinat ions in embalming in september was home for the weekend free press mm r m rv milon longed for native land good old united sutet would sat isfy this exile for th hast of his life an amusing story that mr e h sothern tells in a recent number of scrtbners magazine is apropos of the yearning for his own land so charac teristic of many an american traveler and soldier but it also reflects point edly on a lesspleasing trait of which too many of our fellow countrymen have been guilty i stood in the douane or custom house on the border between france and switzerland says mr sothefn a portly and prosperouslooklng ameri can paced to and fro impatiently aa hi wife and three grownup daugh ter fussed and fumed over a number of trunk fall of clothing my friend and i stood patiently awaiting the in vestigation of our small belongings the portly man circled about us twice or thrice with inquisitive eyes at last he approached american said he ye mr said i ha said be i thought so and again he went to his women and re garded them with disfavor then he paced the floor again once more be approached us holiday yes i replied were on a hou- day hal said the restless one and bis glance wandered to his four women with no love therein how much longer have your said he i have about two weeks more said i i wiab i had i ive got eight said the exile what to him were the everlasting hills the storied cities the pellucid lakes the sacred fanes the legends the immemorial hnlls give me pitts burgh 1 i can hear him cry llttl eld louisville is good enough for me i and who shall mock nil longing mr nnd mrs j s deacon of tor onto have been spending a day or so with their daughter mrs w b cloments mr and mrs a l macnabb left inst friday morning on a weeks motoring trip to ottawa mrs walter wheeler and little daughterof niagara falls n y arc visiting her parents mayor and mrs e f earl according to the lists made out by the enumerators there are 998 persons intown ijualified to vote in the coming referendum monday morning last mr john lawson stubbed his toe against a troeatliishome and broke hisankle which will confine him to bis bed room for a few weeks our baseball team went to georgetown last friday to play a championship game for the district cup but when they got there the paper town ball sluggers refused to play our boys and hence the game was claimed by default reformer t erin wished to be ready fred mcdowell a dusky athlete from texarkana ark bid just regis tered at the offices of the board ot civil service examiners in the federal building to go to camp knox near stlthton ky a laborer and had been told to return next day for phys ical examination do they make s person strip for that examination be asked of fred i stuart secretary of the board hows that naked mr stuart do they mnke you take all your clothos off for the examination oh theyll take your shirt off said mr stunrt and if they think tberca nay good reason they may bare yea tske off the rest of yoar clothes why whats the difference nothln much only i want to take a bath its a long time from bator- day night to thursday vvvvv ir thsfs dlffannt a rolling atone gathers no mow but u rolling pin giuuera t food many doom yj mrs f evans and little son are visiting mr and mrs j r smith misses ella and ruth hull are viniting relatives in toronto mrs snyder nnd babe of oklha- nin wash u 8 is hero on a visit to mr and mrs j t austin misumorrow of guelph has re turned home aftera visit with mrs morley and miss brown mrs nellie stokes has returnod to her home at rochester n y after spending the summer at the home of mrs ernest russell a vory sudden death oocuired here on thursday last when mr andrew wilson died while sitting on a chair ho had just come in from a walk although not in good health for some time his sudden death was not anticipated the funeral took plafo to erin cemet ery on saturday the deceased was in his 01 rd year and has been aresidont hero for tho past 85 years advocate m rsllfatr oborcrtown oct 1 anil 2 acton sept 23 and 24 arthur oct 7 and b llramplon sept 19 and 20 hurlliikto sept 30 oct 1 caledon sept 23 and 24 krln oct 8 and 9 ireelton oct 4 gait sept id and 19 mlllon oct 7 and s oakvlllo sept 1820 itockwood oct 2 and 3 streetaville stt 25 toronto aug 23 sept 6 walerdown oct i weston sept i2andl3 woodbrldge oct 10 and ii a simple weth0d to remedy rheumatism aok dobs not intbbvbbb or tbasatmbnt ib fbofbbx followed many persons contend that then if no sure remedy for rheumatism sclav too nuralgia lumbago neuritis or their kihdred diseases but dont be biased draw your own conclusion from tlio proof submitted over two years ago william nesbltt of 113 john st toronto ontario was attacked by rheumatism mr nesbltt was s3 yoar of age at the time and he feared the worst after trying muy remedies and prescriptions without ob taining liof he took a friend advloa and used templetoh rheumatic ctp- tulos result today fit nesbltt sty he hrssat loots days work since nor fesrs rheumatism any more mr nesbltt give tbs entire credit for m m iys w m experjance try them rj aatthkv drngkist and station iii sols agent oeovgewyvnl i jjw m f bbs ismilbsiffiiii ulv vxrv itx a ttvilljvi r ffiifiyz


Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 20, 1919, p. 1 (2024)


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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.