Cool Mom Eats: Down-to-earth recipes + help that make parenting easier (2024)

Cool Mom Eats: Down-to-earth recipes + help that make parenting easier (2)

How To Make Rainbow Donuts: 5 Quick and Easy Recipes Kids Will Love

by Cool Mom Team | Recipes

These colorful and delicious rainbow donuts only require a few simple ingredients and minimal prep time. Perfect for St. Patrick's Day, or really...any day! Why are we sharing rainbow donuts? Well, they seem to have overtaken rainbow cakes when it comes to the most...

Cool Mom Eats: Down-to-earth recipes + help that make parenting easier (2024)


What food to bring a new mom? ›

Finger foods, wraps, or protein balls are all easy to eat without a lot of mess or fuss. Having the baby in one hand and a snack in the other is just the way it is for the first few weeks. These Carrot Cake Power Bites or this Get Your Greens Wrap would be just right.

What meal to bring someone who just had a baby? ›

Things like muffins, banana bread, fresh fruit/veggies, ingredients to make a quick sandwich, granola bars – or really anything they can eat with one hand. When I had my first baby, I had a friend bring things like this and it was life changing! I could eat while feeding my newborn. Consider using Citrus Pear.

What do you buy yourself as a new mom? ›

Gifts like a pair of super warm fuzzy socks, soft button-down jammies (something with easy open access on the top, if mom wants to breastfeed) and a cozy robe are all great, as are gift cards for food or house cleaning to make life easier.

What are freezable meals for new parents? ›

Some of the best freezer meals for new parents include stewed meats, lasagna, meatballs, soups, casseroles, and stir-fry. These can be prepared in advance, frozen, and easily reheated whenever needed, providing convenient and nutritious options during the hectic early days of parenthood.

What should I feed my new mom for breakfast? ›

Make whole grain toast topped with your choice of nut butter, fresh or frozen fruit, a drizzle of beneficial oil, slices of avocado, and hard boiled egg to make a quick and easy nutritious breakfast fit for a new mom.

What can I buy for my friend who just gave birth? ›

Nursing essentials: If your friend is planning to breastfeed, consider buying her nursing essentials such as nursing bras, nipple cream, and breast pads. Baby carrier: A baby carrier can be a useful tool for new moms who want to keep their hands free while still holding their baby close.

What to take when your friend has a baby? ›

What are good gifts or things to bring a friend in the hospital that just gave birth? A restaurant gift card. Some popular ones could be $25 gift card to Applebees, pizza places or the like. These can be used when they need them or right when they get home.


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Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.